Getting Back on it..

Rebeccaameliagill Posts: 4 Member
edited March 2018 in Motivation and Support
I know what to eat, how much I need to exercise but struggle to stay focussed when life gets busy. Meal prep is key but some times I crave the naughty foods.. Anybody else getting the focus back? Type one Diabetic of 28 yrs, from Essex UK


  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Don't think of it as naughty food or good food just think of it as food/calories. Eat what fits into your number and if you eat too much then exercise more. You got this, just keep it simple in your mind. I never deprive myself of anything I just make it fit.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    you know what kept me focused this time. First, i was at the end of my rope and really wanted to get it done.
    But, i took a before picture in my underwear. i look at it every day.. the front and side view. That, will keep you focused.
    i still look at it.. and i'm down over 25 pounds.. i have five to go to my first goal..then i may do 10 more vanity pounds.. but the change is amazing.

    take your before pic is my advice.
  • elsayegh25
    elsayegh25 Posts: 207 Member
    I know what to eat, how much I need to exercise but struggle to stay focussed when life gets busy. Meal prep is key but some times I crave the naughty foods.. Anybody else getting the focus back? Type one Diabetic of 28 yrs, from Essex UK

    Find a gym partner or someone you know and go with it’s easy in Essex.
  • Rebeccaameliagill
    Rebeccaameliagill Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2018
    I've taken a before pic.. It's Vile however it's keeping me motivated so far. As for joining a gym that's my next step but I need to make sure I'll go! At the moment I've got my treadmill in my kitchen so I'm running where the food lives.. It seems to help xx