Trying to get back on the horse...

When I first joined this site I lost almost 50lbs. Then I started getting lazy and letting personal issue get the best of me and I went MIA. My whole life got turned upside down when I found out that I was pregnant. I gained all the weight that I had lost back (not happy about). Now that my bundle of joy is finally here (4 and a half months old now) and I have had time to heal from the C-section, I think it is time to get back on the horse! I know it's going to be harder and I'm going to really have to make time for working out. I really need to get healthy and lose the weight so that I can be a good role model for my son. I don't want him to grow up being heavy and picked on like I did. Not to mention, I would like to run and play with him and not feel like I'm going to die afterwards.

I am looking for a strong and positive support team of friends that can help my stay motivated. Please add me if that is you :D


  • Welcome back and Congrats on your baby . Take it one day at a time and good luck on your journey . I sent you friends requests :-)
  • congrats on your baby I will add you now, it's really good that after everything you have been through you want to push through it!!
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 160 Member
    Thanks guys :D I accepted the friend requests! I look forward to getting to know you guys and helping each other out. Tomorrow (Monday) is the big day...I'm going to start logging everything again. I usually do really good during the day and then throw it out the window by dinner time :-/ First goal for myself is going to be to log everything for a whole week and to be strong at dinner time and don't over do it. Do you guys have any goals this week?