Need friends to hold me accountable

Hi guys !
My name is Richa Rebello. I'm a 22 y/o and I need to drop 60 lbs . I desperately need help and motivation to do this!
A little about me.. I'm from Bangalore, India. I have a pretty hectic schedule which comprises studying for about 12 hours and 2 hours for fitness.
I've gone on a lot of fad diets and I really want to do something sustainable now.
Please help!


  • tijoabraham03
    tijoabraham03 Posts: 5 Member
    Take apple cider vinegar drink everyday. When u get up in the morning and mid morning also mid afternoon.
    Add 2 teaspoon ACV to one glass of water.
    It will balance sugar in your body and thus help reduce weight.
    Google it u will see how it's beneficial.
    I use it every day and also jogging 30 minutes.
    Lost 5 kg in 2.5 months.
  • Richbelle1
    Richbelle1 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks so much @tijoabraham03
    Will definitely try it !
  • DazPaul82
    DazPaul82 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Richa, my name is Darryl and I'm just starting a similar journey! I have long busy days and find it hard to stay focused but I'm determined to lose at least 50 pounds! Good luck with your journey!
  • Richbelle1
    Richbelle1 Posts: 44 Member
    Hey Darryl !
    Thanks so much for the support. I'm sure this journey is going to be worth the hard work!