Hello from Pittsburgh! 62lbs gone.

Been a member on this site for about 6-7 months now but never really paid much attention to the forums. Basically my New Years resolution was to get into the best shape of my life and I was motivated yet pretty pissed off at myself. The beginning of 2013, I weighed about 240lbs at 6'3". Very little muscle and most body fat. It was a combination of lifestyle, depression and a ton of other things that were pretty much all self inflicted that lead me to not really put much care into my health for most of 2012. Fast forward to August 1st 2013, 8 months later; I weighed myself and the scale said 176lbs (been hovering around this weight for about a month now). Body fat at about 15-16% now. Lost 64lbs in about 7 months. Pants went from 36-38 down to 31-32, shirts from large to small (some overseas shirts medium).

Most of my weight loss has been attributed to spending 5-6 days in the gym a week. A lot of weight lifting and a lot of cardio along side watching my calorie intake and the kind of foods I eat. Been biking a lot, too. Soda basically takes like crap to me now since I'm so used to the taste of water haha (I found water mixed with squeezed lemon and honey to be an excellent drink. Especially during workouts). The funk I've been in is now completely gone. I feel like I'm getting stronger and leaner and I have all the motivation in the world to do all the things I've been neglecting for the past few years.

However! I'm still stuck at the 15-16% body fat with that little flubber around my waist and no 6 pack yet. My goal is at least 8%. I still have major work to do with cutting. Lifting as well as high intensity cardio on non lift days (WOW kettlebells kick my *kitten* and get my heart rate up!). I'm still trying to get the proper diet down to go in conjunction with my work outs and I think this is where I'm getting hung up a bit. I'm not eating crap foods, I just don't think I'm eating enough and/or eating enough of what my body is crying for when specifically needed.

My apologies for the somewhat long post haha. If anyone is interested in befriending a patient and dedicated fitnesspal, send me a request! Lets do our best to keep each other motivated and educated! I still have so much more to learn, too.


  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Congrats on your great loss! I'm a neighbor from Forest Hills. It's good to see some other folks from around here. :smile:
  • kikujiro
    kikujiro Posts: 16 Member
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    Awesome! Sounds like you already gave yourself a nice kick start to the year! Welcome to the boards, haha!
  • kikujiro
    kikujiro Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you! I love the routines I go through to keep in shape. I'm learning new things that benefit my health all the time. It's a fun hobby, actually. =)