Comfort Eating

WhitneyRena Posts: 4 Member
So, I’ve discovered my problem. Comfort eating. I try to motivate myself, get prepared to diet. But eating to foods I like makes me happy. I’m going through a divorce, so I’m a little down these days... and food is my happiness.

How do I get past this?


  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    Comfort eating provides temporary "comfort". It may satisfy you in the moment but how do you feel afterwards? I try to remember that and I stop myself from going completely overboard. I wish I could do the same with alcohol. :(

    Good luck to you, I know divorce can be rough even in the "best" of circumstances.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Maybe work on limiting portion control so you don’t feel deprived? Sorry to hear about the divorce.
  • iWishMyNameWasRebel
    iWishMyNameWasRebel Posts: 174 Member
    I've had the same problem. I made a list of foods that I really love but that also have good nutritional profiles, loaded up on a supply of them, and when I would go to self-soothe with food, I'd do my darnedest to reach for the healthier options. Even if I wound up also reaching for the not-healthy food, I'd wind up eating less of it. Then, I'd start trying a few minutes of meditation before reaching for any food first. Over time...lots of need to self-soothe with food has dwindled to a shadow of what it used to be.
  • Smilin40
    Smilin40 Posts: 1,828 Member
    ldscott716 wrote: »
    I've had the same problem. I made a list of foods that I really love but that also have good nutritional profiles, loaded up on a supply of them, and when I would go to self-soothe with food, I'd do my darnedest to reach for the healthier options. Even if I wound up also reaching for the not-healthy food, I'd wind up eating less of it. Then, I'd start trying a few minutes of meditation before reaching for any food first. Over time...lots of need to self-soothe with food has dwindled to a shadow of what it used to be.

    You look great so winning.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Clean out your pantry and stock only healthy foods.

    .....on a entertaining note, autocorrect just changed Pantry to Panties. It's always good to check your math before posting , right?
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    In order to eat the foods you love in moderation, start finding other ways of dealing with the emotions. Someone already mentioned meditation, but there is also yoga, any exercise really should help (should not be taken too far, either), hobbies that keep your mind and/or hands busy can help, as well.
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,558 Member
    I ate a bunch of whole wheat bread last night.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    edited March 2018
    Find a different way to deal with your emotions.

    Listen to music. Play an instrument. Sing
    Exercise. Go for a walk. Dance. Do yoga.
    Journal. Write poetry. Write a novel.
    Art. Paint, draw, scuplt, etc.
    Talk to someone. Friend, family member, therapist, internet support group.
    Clean or organize.
    Volunteer somewhere. Focus on helping others.
    Start something new. Sign up for a class. Learn a language. Start a new hobby.
    Take a hot bath.
    Watch movies.
    Read a good book. Read a trashy book. Read comic books.
    Drink a cup of tea.

    Food is not the only way to find comfort.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    I ate a bunch of whole wheat bread last night.

    You Monster.
  • Smilin40
    Smilin40 Posts: 1,828 Member
    I usually like to drink instead. Beer, wine, whiskey. Then I forget why i'm depressed.

    My god this might just work urika...
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I ate a bunch of whole wheat bread last night.

    I think it was the South Beach Diet that claimed no one ever sat down and ate a load of whole grain bread. Ha! Much more likely to overdo that than a grocery store loaf!