What does your lifting schedule look like?

Hey everyone! I am currently at the end of three round's of Stronglifts, and looking into some other programs. I liked the strength gains I had doing SL, and really appreciated the emphasis on core lifts. I wanted to move into a 12ish week program with some more accessory lifts just for funsies. I wanted to see what everyone's lifting program/ splits look like. I've heard great things about the Smolov program, has anyone completed it? My goals are really just gaining strength while cutting. I am interested in getting into powerlifting, but most likely not for a couple years.

Any suggestions? Should I just jump into another round of SL?


  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    It depends on what level of lifter you are. Whether you're still a beginner or an intermediate. Because trust me, the difficulty change from doinfva beginner program and moving to an intermediate is quiet high
  • Davidsdottir
    Davidsdottir Posts: 1,285 Member
    Personally, I'm not a fan of these "12 week programs," as they don't allow for continuous progressive overload. If you're still progressing with StrongLifts, then I'd keep going with that.

    I've been lifting continuously for the past five years and am doing a four day per week upper/lower split centered around Wendler's 5/3/1 with accessories from Steve Shaw's Massive Iron. I also have a fifth "fun" day that's a Bret Contrares glute day.