16/8 fast

Hi I am currently doing a 16/8 fast with low calories.. i also am trying to eat whole foods (except for one protein bar a day) and no meat for now..
i would like to follow some ppl to get meal ideas.. i am eating the same food everyday, and i am dont think i am eating as well as i should..
please add me as a friend if you think i can learn from your diary.
i would really appreciate it


  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    What are your goals or the reasoning behind these dieting ideas that your trying?
  • branco05
    branco05 Posts: 4 Member
    trying to lose fat and eat healthy. i believe there are diff mechanisms to burn fat.. not just cal in and cal out.. so when and what i eat will make a difference
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    A healthy diet is balanced and varied. You need enough food, but not too much, and lots of different food.
    You lose weight (fat) when you over time take in fewer calories than you burn.
    You can and should eat food you like. Meal schedule and food selection only has an impact on your ability to adhere to taking in fewer calories than you burn.