Where do you notice change first?



  • kinetixtrainer2
    kinetixtrainer2 Posts: 9,221 Member
    Face but arms get road map veins.

    My Love handles are so stubborn.

    Get out.

    Kiss it :D
  • xFunctionalStrengthx
    xFunctionalStrengthx Posts: 4,928 Member
    My pants get a little looser around the waist is usually when I notice it
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 799 Member
    edited March 2018
    usually the first week i feel the same, 2nd week i feel better, 3rd week feel stronger and clothes starting to get bigger. i noticed that self confidence gets boosted as soon as i noticed the changes. win win win

    booty and chest goes first, wish it was the belly
  • Smilin40
    Smilin40 Posts: 1,828 Member
    My face first. Now my chest.

    Please god no stop now woman
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Everywhere disproportionately. My stomach seems to be the slowest to shift, but perhaps that is just because I am focused on it. I have had to tighten my belt and go down a few dress sizes though. So it is probably working better than I think it is
  • cybermadi2018
    cybermadi2018 Posts: 4 Member
    I noticed it on my face that double chin going in and I noticed the different at my work trouser.
  • berky06
    berky06 Posts: 209 Member
    I notice it in my face. My husband tells me I'm slimming down all over-but I don't see that. My stomach always seems to be the last place I notice it. I do notice my shirts are getting longer and pants are loser. :smile:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    appendages and extremities...
  • alyssa_rest
    alyssa_rest Posts: 276 Member
    the poor girls always go first...
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 139 Member
    edited March 2018
    I noticed the largest change in my waist, and my face. I have a chin!?
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    I think it would be my tummy. I don't necessarily see it, but I notice clothes fitting better when I lost some weight before.
  • makinemjellis
    makinemjellis Posts: 91 Member
    edited March 2018
    I've been doing primarily strength training this go-round, and I've seen the biggest change in my arms. Like, I can actually see my bicep and it's amazing.

    With previous exercise routines, I've noticed fat loss in weird places, like at my knees and my fingers.
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I'm not sure. I gain and lose pretty evenly all over. Last place to lose is my stomach though.
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I feel like I lose weight from top to bottom. Face...shoulders/chest...waist/belly...tush...hips/thighs.

    They say after a certain age women need to make a choice between their face or their butt looking good. When I am at the weight (or level of leanness) where I am happiest with my body, my face gets a little gaunt. I guess that's what cosmetic fillers are for. A friend of my husband said his secret to looking youthful was to gain half a pound a year to fill out the wrinkles. I suppose if I start that next year (when I turn 50) I could just morph into an adorably plump little granny by the time I am 90.
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    Head to toes.
  • CarbsAndCoffee41
    CarbsAndCoffee41 Posts: 264 Member
    My upper stomach. Almost like working out and eating right immediately stops the bloating.
  • bojack3
    bojack3 Posts: 1,483 Member
    When I cut weight it comes of my mid section pretty fast