Heaviest I've Ever Been and Miserable

Hey my name is Claire. I'm 37 and have two young boys three and six. I dont plan to have any more kids which is probably good for my body cos i put on heaps of weight each time. When i met my hubby 19 yeasr ago i was 9stone and am now nearly 15. I am heavier than my hubby and despise this about myself. I am naturally a lazy person who has never found an exercise i enjoy except swimming but at present feel to fat to go in the local swimming pool!!!! I must stick to healthy eating this time round as i have previously done WW bfore costing me a small fortune each month and then putting the weight back on a couple of months later. I am fed up with being fat and not attractive anymore. I will succeed this time!!!!!


  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    Hi Claire, welcome to MFP. Great thing about this site is....it works and it's free!

    I say...go swimming! You enjoy it, you should do it. Wear shorts and a t-shirt. That's what I do. I wear a swimsuit underneath - some pools here have a rule that we HAVE to wear one even if it's under clothing. I try not to let my size stop/prevent me from doing things I enjoy, especially if its so beneficial.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hey my name is Claire. I'm 37 and have two young boys three and six. I dont plan to have any more kids which is probably good for my body cos i put on heaps of weight each time. When i met my hubby 19 yeasr ago i was 9stone and am now nearly 15. I am heavier than my hubby and despise this about myself. I am naturally a lazy person who has never found an exercise i enjoy except swimming but at present feel to fat to go in the local swimming pool!!!! I must stick to healthy eating this time round as i have previously done WW bfore costing me a small fortune each month and then putting the weight back on a couple of months later. I am fed up with being fat and not attractive anymore. I will succeed this time!!!!!

    Hi Claire, welcome to MFP!

    Well you may have been miserable, however, you are now going to do something about it, so that part of the miserable is now gone! See a positive in every negative :laugh:

    Seriously though, this is a great site and I am sure you will love it here, feel free to add me as a friend if you want, we are aiming for the same thing. All the best x
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    I know how you feel, I am not a fan of exercise either. I hate running and any other form of excercise. I was pretty harsh on myself- tough love I suppose, I just told my self I was better than the excuses, and as much as I didn't like excercise, I wanted to be thinner, preatier and healthier more. and what ever misery I had to go through( the excercise) it would be worth it in the months to come as I saw the pounds dropping. other things I tell myself when working out

    You can endure ANYTHING for 60 seconds- that helps when i do sprints

    and then when walking/running- i remind myself how qucick an hour can go by how short it really its.

    Postive talk seemed really silly to me at first but its workign now. I don't know if that will help you, but it works for me so I thought i would share
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    Well, all I can say is if I can do it, YOU can! I was 16stone 3lb after my son was born on Christmas eve. I'm now 12 stone 8lb and continuing to lose each week. That start weight was the heaviest I've ever been and I felt grotesque. I now feel great. I too am naturally a lazy person but I've found that walking is the best for me. When I pick my kids up from school, I walk there. I don't take any money with me so I can't just jump on a bus - I have to keep going to get there! Also, I've got a Wii. I quickly got bored of Wii Fit, so now I have "My Fitness Coach". You get a different workout each time and can choose how long a workout you do. Sometimes I just do 15 minutes!

    Good luck to you on your journey! x
  • tamlger
    tamlger Posts: 2
    HI all...I'm in the same boat....bigger than ever and now starting to have B/P issues. I'm determined to make this work for me. Any suggestions on recipe sites for healthy cooking for family? That seems to be one of my biggest obstacles. Ditching old cooking habits.
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    Welcome! What helped me was realizing it is not just about food. I am naturally lazy too, but I have made a commitment to get some form of exercise in EVERY day, even if it is just a stroll in the evening. I have found that if I just get out there, I find the motivation to exercise knowing I can eat back everything I burn. The exercise curbs my appetite, yet I get to eat more!

    You'll find a lot of controversy in MFP comments about eating back exercise calories but it has really worked for me. I have not plateaued, and do not feel deprived. That is for me a winning combination that makes getting off my butt something to actually look forward to.
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    Hey my name is Claire. I'm 37 and have two young boys three and six. I dont plan to have any more kids which is probably good for my body cos i put on heaps of weight each time. When i met my hubby 19 yeasr ago i was 9stone and am now nearly 15. I am heavier than my hubby and despise this about myself. I am naturally a lazy person who has never found an exercise i enjoy except swimming but at present feel to fat to go in the local swimming pool!!!! I must stick to healthy eating this time round as i have previously done WW bfore costing me a small fortune each month and then putting the weight back on a couple of months later. I am fed up with being fat and not attractive anymore. I will succeed this time!!!!!

    Wow, there are too many similarities to count. I am 37 with two children and a hubby that has always been thin. I even went the "I can't swim" route so I wouldn't have to go to the pool. My self esteem was never great, but reached an all time low at Christmas. Funny, there are no pictures of me at Christmas...wonder why?

    I congratulate you on finding this website. It made all of the difference. I am a very co-dependant person and found success by walking with a neighbor. Once I found this website along with the walking, the weight just fell off. I hope that you can find your weight loss with small steps and moderate eating changes. I don't know what got me to stick with it this time. I believe God saw that I just needed help because I couldn't do it on my own and someone from work just "happened" to mention MFP!
    Best of luck to you!
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    welcome. Like what's been said you can do.
    i was 9st when i met my OH, after having our secind baby in dec 09 hit heaviest at 17.2!
    im now 13st4.5lb. Working on getting back to 10st.
    feelfree to add me as a friend :)
  • jamie11k
    jamie11k Posts: 82
    Welcome to MFP!

    Try to take it one day at a time, or else you'll feel overwhelmed at the big picture. Start by logging ALL food and exercise. Water, water, water. Take the stairs, take a walk. The more you walk, the easier it gets, and the longer you can do it.

    Get a buddy! Having someone next to you makes it less of a chore, and you'll have someone to keep you motivated!

    Check out sites like eatingwell.com and recipes.com.

    Check out the Couch to 5K program.

    The most important thing about C25K is setting small goals. Sometimes if the goal is too lofty or if it's too far away, you won't see the progress, and you'll be back at square one. Set a goal- walk 15 minutes every day for a week. When you have reached the goal, it becomes addictive and you'll want to set another goal and reach it!

    Good luck, and YOU CAN DO IT!
  • clairegray
    Hey thanks to everyone for responding to my post. I really appreciate that there are so many other women just like me who make excuses about exercise and just go through life thinking tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow. Well tomorrow is today for me and you lot have made it so much easier to get started. thanks again to you all and i hope we can all keep in in touch and motivate each other in the future. Once Again THANKS TO YOU ALL!!!!!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Hello and welcome!!!!

    I am 39 and I also was at my all time highest weight when starting. I have now lost 12 pounds....still have a ways to go! But I already feel better and I have the motivation to keep going. You can do this!!!

    If you can just bury you insecurities and go swimming! It's a great whole body form of exercise. I bet after you go that first time you'll get over your fear.

    Good luck to you!!!!!:flowerforyou: