Keto and IF



  • fuzzylop72
    fuzzylop72 Posts: 651 Member
    I've never done keto (looked into it, but the changes I'd need to make to do vegan keto look pretty awful to me, so I never pursued it) but I do IF, and I enjoy it since i'm typically only really hungry at night. I only do leangains, though.

    I did experiment with 5:2, but I don't like it very much -- the low days are too rough for me, and the higher days aren't enough to make up for it for me.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited March 2018
    31shines wrote: »
    I tried cico for awhile with not much luck.

    You don't do CICO, it just is.

    Wether you gain, maintain or lose, you are in a state of CICO.

    I think you are confusing CICO with calorie counting...

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    31shines wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    I tried cico for awhile with not much luck. I don't do keto but I do low carb try to stay under 50 grams a day and I do IF. I've lost 19 pounds in a month and a half. Last week I even did my first 48 hour water fast. I never thought I could do that. I'm a diabetic and have been reading a lot about how this helps Reverse it. Good luck!

    All diets are CICO. CICO is basic energy balance. CICO should not be confused with just eating a bunch of crap food and not being able to sustain a diet or hit calorie levels. And it should be confused with calorie counting.

    It is easier for me to do low carb. Many days I go over my calorie count simply due to high calorie fats like butter but I'm still losing. So I don't believe all are cico. When I started this I would freak out because I was going over my calories but I kept going because my carbs were low. It works for me so to each their own.

    If what you're saying is true (one will lose weight on keto even when consuming more energy than the body can use), then keto is completely inappropriate for many stages of life, including those who are looking to add muscle weight. In fact, those who wanted to maintain a healthy body weight should avoid keto, if this is how it works, because they will lose weight even when consuming enough energy to sustain their weight. Is this what you're arguing?

    What's more likely: there are errors in your calorie count that result in you being in a deficit even though you think you aren't *or* even though there are some days when you go over, they are balanced out by days when you are under, so you're still in a deficit.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    31shines wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    I tried cico for awhile with not much luck. I don't do keto but I do low carb try to stay under 50 grams a day and I do IF. I've lost 19 pounds in a month and a half. Last week I even did my first 48 hour water fast. I never thought I could do that. I'm a diabetic and have been reading a lot about how this helps Reverse it. Good luck!

    All diets are CICO. CICO is basic energy balance. CICO should not be confused with just eating a bunch of crap food and not being able to sustain a diet or hit calorie levels. And it should be confused with calorie counting.

    It is easier for me to do low carb. Many days I go over my calorie count simply due to high calorie fats like butter but I'm still losing. So I don't believe all are cico. When I started this I would freak out because I was going over my calories but I kept going because my carbs were low. It works for me so to each their own.

    I don't believe you understand what CICO. I believe you are mixing energy balance with different dietary strategies. CICO is the underlying equation to determine weight loss, maintenance and a surplus.

    What you have figured out, at least short term so far, is that one dietary strategy is more effective for you in terms of compliance and energy. This is possibly why you believe that keto isn't CICO, but it would be simply untrue. I am glad you found what you can follow, and hopefully maintain.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    31shines wrote: »
    I tried cico for awhile with not much luck. I don't do keto but I do low carb try to stay under 50 grams a day and I do IF. I've lost 19 pounds in a month and a half. Last week I even did my first 48 hour water fast. I never thought I could do that. I'm a diabetic and have been reading a lot about how this helps Reverse it. Good luck!

    just losing weight can reverse diabetes in some. there is no need to water fast. low carb and weight loss can make a big difference for some.I dont know how a water fast is going to reverse diabetes though. do you have any links stating this?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    If keto (or IF) works for YOU and improves YOUR health -- keep at it!!! You got this, just listen to your body and give your body what YOU need, not what others say you need (I've made that mistake!)

    You have to do what works for you! I'm sure you've heard that a million times. But it's true.
    Keto isn't for everyone. But it works wonders for those with insulin resistance, diabetes, PCOS, endometriosis, epilepsy, and more.

    I adhere to a ketogenic way of eating (it's a lifestyle, not a diet) because it's best for my health, personally. I have energy for my workouts, and I eat a larger amount of carbs than usual once a week for my thyroid health (I have hypothyroidism.) That is the obstacle that I ran into --my thyroid crashing. So to overcome that obstacle I have a larger amount of carbs every once in a while, and I'm good to go!

    I tried IF years ago and it's not for me, ran into adrenal issues. Then recently realized I was inadvertently doing IF by simply eating when I was hungry. Wasn't hungry in the morning, didn't eat. Didn't eat until 2 pm the other day, I just wasn't hungry. Today I ate at 9 am. Just listen to your body.

    I can't stray from a ketogenic lifestyle even if I wanted to, because if I did then I would have to go back on my seizure medication, which I hate. It also minimizes my joint inflammation from RA, and does so many other good things for my health (no more PCOS, no longer pre-diabetic, and so on). For me keto isnt dangerous, or a fad. It's the best thing for my health.

    are you on meds for your thyroid? thyroids either work, insufficiently work,or not all. you can have issues with it not working properly. the crash you speak of do you mean energy crashes? and how do you know you had adrenal issues from IF? Im glad keto worked for you The fad part which we speak of is because many use it as a FAD diet to lose weight,when its not really what it was designed for.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    31shines wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    I tried cico for awhile with not much luck. I don't do keto but I do low carb try to stay under 50 grams a day and I do IF. I've lost 19 pounds in a month and a half. Last week I even did my first 48 hour water fast. I never thought I could do that. I'm a diabetic and have been reading a lot about how this helps Reverse it. Good luck!

    just losing weight can reverse diabetes in some. there is no need to water fast. low carb and weight loss can make a big difference for some.I dont know how a water fast is going to reverse diabetes though. do you have any links stating this?

    I'm not that technology smart but you can just Google it. Dr. Fung, Dr. Barry, are 2 who suggest fasting for type 2 diabetes. But I was mainly talking about low carb. I'm a carb addict never thought I could do low carb or a water fast. I've just started looking into different studies.

    you lost me at fung ,he was discredited many times. and never heard of Dr Barry there are many with that name so not sure which one you mean
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    31shines wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    I tried cico for awhile with not much luck. I don't do keto but I do low carb try to stay under 50 grams a day and I do IF. I've lost 19 pounds in a month and a half. Last week I even did my first 48 hour water fast. I never thought I could do that. I'm a diabetic and have been reading a lot about how this helps Reverse it. Good luck!

    just losing weight can reverse diabetes in some. there is no need to water fast. low carb and weight loss can make a big difference for some.I dont know how a water fast is going to reverse diabetes though. do you have any links stating this?

    I'm not that technology smart but you can just Google it. Dr. Fung, Dr. Barry, are 2 who suggest fasting for type 2 diabetes. But I was mainly talking about low carb. I'm a carb addict never thought I could do low carb or a water fast. I've just started looking into different studies.

    you lost me at fung ,he was discredited many times. and never heard of Dr Barry there are many with that name so not sure which one you mean

    It might be Ken Berry, his recommendations for diet and weight loss seem to overlap heavily with those of Fung.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    31shines wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    I tried cico for awhile with not much luck. I don't do keto but I do low carb try to stay under 50 grams a day and I do IF. I've lost 19 pounds in a month and a half. Last week I even did my first 48 hour water fast. I never thought I could do that. I'm a diabetic and have been reading a lot about how this helps Reverse it. Good luck!

    just losing weight can reverse diabetes in some. there is no need to water fast. low carb and weight loss can make a big difference for some.I dont know how a water fast is going to reverse diabetes though. do you have any links stating this?

    I'm not that technology smart but you can just Google it. Dr. Fung, Dr. Barry, are 2 who suggest fasting for type 2 diabetes. But I was mainly talking about low carb. I'm a carb addict never thought I could do low carb or a water fast. I've just started looking into different studies.

    you lost me at fung ,he was discredited many times. and never heard of Dr Barry there are many with that name so not sure which one you mean

    I didn't know that. I found Dr. Fung about 2 weeks ago. I'll have to look into him being discredited. Dr. Ken Barry. I've also looked into the new castle diet to reverse diabetes but it's practically starvation so I'm not sure I can commit to that.

    keto can work for people with insulin issues and type 2. but many here reversed their diabetes just losing weight and watching what they ate. some eat a decent amount of carbs and other eat keto or do low carb. for some its a preference and others its based on what works best for their insulin issues. of course its going to depend on the person. but there is no need to not eat for 2 days and do a water fast to try and reverse diabetes for some fasting without food for 2 days could cause hypoglycemia.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    31shines wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    I tried cico for awhile with not much luck. I don't do keto but I do low carb try to stay under 50 grams a day and I do IF. I've lost 19 pounds in a month and a half. Last week I even did my first 48 hour water fast. I never thought I could do that. I'm a diabetic and have been reading a lot about how this helps Reverse it. Good luck!

    just losing weight can reverse diabetes in some. there is no need to water fast. low carb and weight loss can make a big difference for some.I dont know how a water fast is going to reverse diabetes though. do you have any links stating this?

    I'm not that technology smart but you can just Google it. Dr. Fung, Dr. Barry, are 2 who suggest fasting for type 2 diabetes. But I was mainly talking about low carb. I'm a carb addict never thought I could do low carb or a water fast. I've just started looking into different studies.

    you lost me at fung ,he was discredited many times. and never heard of Dr Barry there are many with that name so not sure which one you mean

    I didn't know that. I found Dr. Fung about 2 weeks ago. I'll have to look into him being discredited. Dr. Ken Barry. I've also looked into the new castle diet to reverse diabetes but it's practically starvation so I'm not sure I can commit to that.

    Fung gets the thumbs down around MFP because his early work all concentrated on blaming insulin for fat storage (see the book The Obesity Code), which has been thoroughly debunked and disproved. He also tends to make some extravagant claims when it comes to the benefits of IF and fasting in general.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    edited March 2018
    31shines wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    I tried cico for awhile with not much luck. I don't do keto but I do low carb try to stay under 50 grams a day and I do IF. I've lost 19 pounds in a month and a half. Last week I even did my first 48 hour water fast. I never thought I could do that. I'm a diabetic and have been reading a lot about how this helps Reverse it. Good luck!

    just losing weight can reverse diabetes in some. there is no need to water fast. low carb and weight loss can make a big difference for some.I dont know how a water fast is going to reverse diabetes though. do you have any links stating this?

    I'm not that technology smart but you can just Google it. Dr. Fung, Dr. Barry, are 2 who suggest fasting for type 2 diabetes. But I was mainly talking about low carb. I'm a carb addict never thought I could do low carb or a water fast. I've just started looking into different studies.

    you lost me at fung ,he was discredited many times. and never heard of Dr Barry there are many with that name so not sure which one you mean

    I didn't know that. I found Dr. Fung about 2 weeks ago. I'll have to look into him being discredited. Dr. Ken Barry. I've also looked into the new castle diet to reverse diabetes but it's practically starvation so I'm not sure I can commit to that.

    You can start right here:

    Fung is a laughingstock amongst evidence-based researchers. He's pretty much regarded as the Village Idiot. His theories fly in the face of basic physiology.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    31shines wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    I tried cico for awhile with not much luck. I don't do keto but I do low carb try to stay under 50 grams a day and I do IF. I've lost 19 pounds in a month and a half. Last week I even did my first 48 hour water fast. I never thought I could do that. I'm a diabetic and have been reading a lot about how this helps Reverse it. Good luck!

    just losing weight can reverse diabetes in some. there is no need to water fast. low carb and weight loss can make a big difference for some.I dont know how a water fast is going to reverse diabetes though. do you have any links stating this?

    I'm not that technology smart but you can just Google it. Dr. Fung, Dr. Barry, are 2 who suggest fasting for type 2 diabetes. But I was mainly talking about low carb. I'm a carb addict never thought I could do low carb or a water fast. I've just started looking into different studies.

    you lost me at fung ,he was discredited many times. and never heard of Dr Barry there are many with that name so not sure which one you mean

    I didn't know that. I found Dr. Fung about 2 weeks ago. I'll have to look into him being discredited. Dr. Ken Barry. I've also looked into the new castle diet to reverse diabetes but it's practically starvation so I'm not sure I can commit to that.

    keto can work for people with insulin issues and type 2. but many here reversed their diabetes just losing weight and watching what they ate. some eat a decent amount of carbs and other eat keto or do low carb. for some its a preference and others its based on what works best for their insulin issues. of course its going to depend on the person. but there is no need to not eat for 2 days and do a water fast to try and reverse diabetes for some fasting without food for 2 days could cause hypoglycemia.

    I understand that and was smart enough to check my sugars often which I imagine anyone would know to do. I was saying what I did. I'm not on here pushing for anyone to try it. I didn't advocate for it only made a statement.

    I wasnt saying you were pushing anyone to try it. I tried it in the past but it wasnt for me since I have a health issue and cant do high fat diets. I would hope those people would check their levels,but when you have people believing fung who states that you can quit your insulin cold turkey just by doing keto and doing IF, you are going to have people doing just that. If someone wants to do keto thats fine, Im not against it at all. just stating that these so called drs know nothing about certain things yet they promote diets saying its a cure all. he even went as far to say it cures diabetes(you cant cure it,you can reverse it) and that it will prevent or even treat cancer.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    31shines wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    31shines wrote: »
    I tried cico for awhile with not much luck. I don't do keto but I do low carb try to stay under 50 grams a day and I do IF. I've lost 19 pounds in a month and a half. Last week I even did my first 48 hour water fast. I never thought I could do that. I'm a diabetic and have been reading a lot about how this helps Reverse it. Good luck!

    just losing weight can reverse diabetes in some. there is no need to water fast. low carb and weight loss can make a big difference for some.I dont know how a water fast is going to reverse diabetes though. do you have any links stating this?

    I'm not that technology smart but you can just Google it. Dr. Fung, Dr. Barry, are 2 who suggest fasting for type 2 diabetes. But I was mainly talking about low carb. I'm a carb addict never thought I could do low carb or a water fast. I've just started looking into different studies.

    you lost me at fung ,he was discredited many times. and never heard of Dr Barry there are many with that name so not sure which one you mean

    I didn't know that. I found Dr. Fung about 2 weeks ago. I'll have to look into him being discredited. Dr. Ken Barry. I've also looked into the new castle diet to reverse diabetes but it's practically starvation so I'm not sure I can commit to that.

    Fung's work is directed at reducing insulin, via lowered BG and lower carb intake, for diabetics. His plan does work fairly well in treating those with insulin resistance (meaning it reduces their insulin resistance and BG numbers).

    How he explains the science of "why" his diet works for those with IR is what is not proven. Yes, insulin can cause fat gain, as is seen in insulin injection site on T1Ds, but a high carb diet, and the responding higher insulin levels, does not automatically cause fat gain in everyone.

  • Agathokakological
    Agathokakological Posts: 136 Member
    edited March 2018
    Here is an article from the obesity research journal that has some info on fasting. I have been doing omad (23:1) for 4 weeks now and it has been amazing. It's keeping me in a deficit and I'm losing steadily and feel great physically and mentally. I am trying to lower my carbs too, but I'm not sure I'd be able to sustain that long-term. I am trying to keep my carbs lower and fat higher. I'm not too successful yet though. I find that with higher fat I feel more satisfied whereas when I ate over half of my calories in carbs I would always feel hungry the next morning where the higher fat doesn't seem to have that effect on me.

    Flipping the Metabolic Switch: Understanding and Applying the Health Benefits of Fasting