From Flab to Abs in 6-months. Could you do it?

kladge88 Posts: 135 Member
I've been looking for a big motivator to turn my not-so-healthy lifestyle around. My friend, who looks like a 218-lbs version of The Rock (I call him Pebbles), always tried to get me to workout but I never had a goal or real reason to commit. I know, just getting healthy should have been a big motivator but lets be honest. It wasn't! I wanted to do it but I just needed something to really challenge me not to quit. I told him I needed something to make it a real challenge and not just a plan with a fitness goal, otherwise I wouldn't take it seriously.

I accepted a bet on 2-23-18 that I could get abs by 8-23-18. Everyone thinks it's a crazy bet, and that I can't do it. I'm not sure why but that made me take the bet more than anything. I don't like being told I can't do something that IS possible to do. I weighed 196-lbs and was a jean size 36 waist. I'm currently (3-11-18) in week 3 of Insanity, weighing 187-lbs, on a balanced 1800-calorie diet and wearing a jean size 34 waist. I have a long way to go over the next 5-1/2 months but I am committed more and more everytime the guys say it can't happen.

This will be the most physical challenge I've ever taken on!
Could you do it?
What would it take you to try?


  • karsei01
    karsei01 Posts: 442 Member
    Well, I'm a little bigger than you (228lbs atm), but decided that summer 19 will be my best bodywise. So. I will go from fat to fit. A little more than six months, but then again, I was pretty fat (bf 35% down till 28% now). To reach sixpack and 12% bf, I will reduce my weigth til 185lbs (if I can retain my muscle mass). It can be done in six months so you're not crazy and I give you my full support.
  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 698 Member
    It's abs, it's way too hard.
  • kladge88
    kladge88 Posts: 135 Member
    karsei01 wrote: »
    Well, I'm a little bigger than you (228lbs atm), but decided that summer 19 will be my best bodywise. So. I will go from fat to fit. A little more than six months, but then again, I was pretty fat (bf 35% down till 28% now). To reach sixpack and 12% bf, I will reduce my weigth til 185lbs (if I can retain my muscle mass). It can be done in six months so you're not crazy and I give you my full support.

    Good luck to you and you can do it! My all time high of 223 was about two years ago and I wish I would have wanted it as bad as I do now back then! Keep us posted on the progress!