5 months til I say “I do!”

Happy Tuesday! I just added this awesome app yesterday even though I should have done it months ago when I first heard about it cause I have been STRUGGLING!
I have gained 20 lbs in the last year and just got engaged on New Years so it’s safe to say that my fiancé could care less about my weight but it’s all I can think about and I want to be comfortable and feel beautiful at my wedding so it’s time to do the work!
I struggle with eating all my calories at night, I have a massive sweet tooth and night time seems to be the time to relax and relaxing to me means eating and watching tv so I’m desperate to change my ways and I would love some dinner recipe ideas as well as some ideas on how to take care of this sweet tooth I get after dinner every night!


  • shatabdi
    shatabdi Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations, girl!!

    Firstly, you are not alone. I lost 20 pounds just by fixing my eating habits in 6 months, so you can do it!! I do some sort of fat for dinner, so Im full for much longer. I top off my meals with avocado, or eat skin-on chicken thighs or ghee / butter baked fish fillets / steaks. Also this might sound insane, but when I know that I am not hungry and I'm eating just for the sake of it, I chew sugarfree gum :D that way my mouth is busy haha.

    I threw out everything that contained added sugar. Instead, I do a handful of nuts every time I get hungry. Also sweet food's alternative in my house is apple slices + peanut butter, pear slices + almond butter, baby carrots + hummus or dates filled with ricotta. I haven't had any sugar in 2018 and i feel so much better. I highly recommend it! <3