Cheat days

Do u do them and if so, do you do them once a week or how often?

Also has having cheat days slowed down your weightloss?


  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Depends on what you mean by "cheat"... but personally, no I don't.

    My cheats are too big and involve too many calories to do on any kind of a routine basis - they simply undermine my progress too much.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Balance. For me flexible dieting lifestyle works for me. I follow 80/20 suggestion. 80 as much whole food/ micro dense nutrients, with 20% wth I want. If I know I am going out on a certain day, I will cut calories for a couple days before. Best of luck.
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    edited March 2018
    My quick take. I would make them as infrequent as possible. If you know you'll be attending a party or perhaps a relative's house and your host has no clue as to what your macro-nutrient goals are, you may want to reserve that as a cheat day. But when you start planning cheat days (most folks use Saturday) you end up wiping out everything you worked so hard for during the week. Especially if you're trying to lose weight, you should not plan for cheat days.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 139 Member
    Are you wanting to eat a certain item and feel like you only can once a week? OP, you could consider trying to fit the things you enjoy into your daily life. Alot so many calories/macros whatever you track with for extras. Eat them, enjoy them, and then you can move on with your life without guilt or disordered eating patterns.
  • shatabdi
    shatabdi Posts: 5 Member
    Unfortunately, I cant afford to cheat. If I permit myself to think about it, I would plan my cheat meals all day everyday :D . After I reach my goal weight, perhaps I would add a drink or some sweets into my diet. But I eat healthy satisfying meals and if I cheat with for example, a slice a pizza, i feel uneasy for up to 2 days and thats just not worth it for me.
  • darrenbeckworth
    darrenbeckworth Posts: 64 Member
    With MFP you can eat whatever you want as long as you burn the calories. Why not just workout more on days you want to eat the higher caloric meals? A whole day of eating badly and not exercising seems reverse to the whole idea of this website.
  • bobshuckleberry
    bobshuckleberry Posts: 281 Member
    I follow a Macro diet. If I want something I make it fit into my calories/macros. I do not do cheat meals or days. Mostly because I do not feel like this is a diet. Of course I cannot go crazy and eat everything, but I can eat 'anything'.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    A whole "bad" cheat day can easily destroy a whole week of progress. Been there, done that.
  • RecognitionT
    RecognitionT Posts: 120 Member
    Every day's a cheat day.
  • SabAteNine
    SabAteNine Posts: 1,866 Member
    I'm personally not a fan of cheat days, at least not exercised regularly. And especially not if their purpose is to be a reward. I find it counterintuitive to reward myself for a successful behavior with the very same things (or amounts) I have done so good overcoming. Then again, I also know that if I would pre-plan a cheat day, I would find a way to justify a second one too. It's a slippery slope.

    However, there are situations and situations. I consider free days the ones which I can't control for various reasons, or those special ones like weddings and so on. If I'm going to a wedding, I'm'a eat my cake, and I'll definitely drink copiously for the occasion.

    If you really feel you need cheat days, maybe it's time to re-evaluate the plan all together? After all, the long-term goal should be to adopt a better, healthier way to eat as a way of life and not a temporary restriction.

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I've recently been more on-board with the concept of one cheat meal per week. Some diet plans even mandate it (something about tricking your body into thinking you have an excess of calories, even though you're at a deficit the majority of the time... could be misguided).

    I do it for sanity. If I didn't drink alcohol, goodness knows the tremens would kick in and someone would wind up in the hospital. I like staying "good" (different for us all) the majority of the time and exercising my long-extinct will power, but NOT actually feeling any guilt when I have one meal that happens to be something like five beers, a bacon cheeseburger, and onion rings.

    As others have said, a cheat day or weekend basically squares you back up with all of the "good" days you had, rendering your efforts futile (if you're trying to lose pounds).

    Your body doesn't get "tricked" by anything

    OP, I don't do cheats, because I'm not cheating on anything. If I want something, I work it into my weekly calories.
  • pebbles45112000
    pebbles45112000 Posts: 6 Member
    What I meant by cheat days is once a week kind of thing. Usually on my cheat day I have a fried Cobb salad from Zaxbys with 3 light ranch dressings and 2 peti fours from Publix.

    Also I am trying to lose 2 pounds a week, so I guess what I am trying to ask is, am I undoing a whole week of progress and slowing down my weight loss?
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Cheat can mean a lot of things. For example:

    Do I have days that I don't log? Rarely. I genuinely don't mind logging, and it's important to me to know that I'm hitting my averages. I've gotten better at estimating calories, but it's still too easy to lose track, and the less weight you have to lose, the easier it is to wipe out an entire week of dieting in one day. That said, maybe every couple of months I just quick-add some calories and say f-it.

    Do I have days that I eat things I don't eat other days? Yes! I save certain high calorie items for regular "special occasions" - Sunday night is pizza and movie night with my husband, so I often eat less earlier in the day to balance it out. I donate blood every 8 weeks and usually get a sausage breakfast biscuit beforehand (these often turn into maintenance days especially since you're not supposed to exercise for 24 hours after).

    Do I have days that I eat more calories than others? Also yes! I cycle calories, so I eat at a large deficit five days a week and then two days where I eat maybe twice as much as the deficit days. I understand there's some science behind regular "refeeds", but honestly I just do it as a way of sticking to my diet while still being able to go out to eat.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    What I meant by cheat days is once a week kind of thing. Usually on my cheat day I have a fried Cobb salad from Zaxbys with 3 light ranch dressings and 2 peti fours from Publix.

    Also I am trying to lose 2 pounds a week, so I guess what I am trying to ask is, am I undoing a whole week of progress and slowing down my weight loss?

    Nobody can know that without knowing what your deficit is the rest of the week and how much you're going over that deficit on your "cheat day." It's certainly possible for a single meal to cancel out an entire week's deficit depending on what you eat and how much large your deficit is.

    Have you tried logging your "cheat meal" to see how many calories it is? This is probably the best way for you to determine how much it is going to impact your weight loss.
  • eisterunicorn
    eisterunicorn Posts: 158 Member
    shatabdi wrote: »
    Unfortunately, I cant afford to cheat. If I permit myself to think about it, I would plan my cheat meals all day everyday :D . After I reach my goal weight, perhaps I would add a drink or some sweets into my diet. But I eat healthy satisfying meals and if I cheat with for example, a slice a pizza, i feel uneasy for up to 2 days and thats just not worth it for me.

    One slice of pizza throws you off for two days?!?! Damn!
  • pebbles45112000
    pebbles45112000 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, I always log my cheat day. How do I find out what my deficit should be?
