Endo/Mesomorph Body

Hello all!
So I am looking for advice from other 30+ endo/mesomorphs- how do you tackle dieting? What are your favorite exercises for building lean muscle? My metabolism isn't what it was when I was in my 20s and my pants get tighter if I even sniff a carb! I have never had a problem building muscle but I tend to look bulky easily as I am only 5"2" and medium boned...
I'd love any an all feed back!
Thank you in advance :smile:


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    Everyone loses weight the same, eating less than the body needs. Also everyone builds muscle the same, but unless you're cutting or recomping you can't do both at once.
  • DomesticKat
    DomesticKat Posts: 565 Member
    I have no idea what body type I am. I'm in my 30's and 5'1". I maintain a calorie deficit using MFP and I incorporate a progressive lifting program to mitigate muscle loss. I also make sure I'm losing slowly so I can keep more of the muscle I have and lose the fat because the end product will look better for me. You're not going to gain significant muscle with a calorie deficit and weight lifting. You'd need to be in a calorie surplus for that.
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    edited March 2018
    If you buy into the somatotypes thing then I am what you call an endomorph, I put on mass really easy (I don't see it as a bad thing) but the fundamentals of CICO still apply and I can attest to this from 3 years of maintenance.

    You can also use this to your advantage. Work the strength category and get those gains (don't worry you aren't going to get super bulky) and guess what, muscles are super expensive energy wise and take a lot to keep up and going. Those calories will need to keep on coming in and even if you are looking to lose then it will help make it easier.

    Also ignore the carb BS, I eat a ton of them, just don't eat a ton of carbs with a ton of fat. I eat 1g of fat per kg of lean body mass, 30% protein, and a buttload of carbs. It will work great and you will be running around the gym in no time. Or do the opposite an do keto or something but don't mix your carbs and fat to great extremes, that is called McDonalds.