Losing weight the right way is hard!

Hi, so I used to starve myself until i could see my tone lines and now i’ve put on some weight due to some difficult situations in my life. i want to lose weight the right way this time because as a performer i cant afford to keep up with the side effects starving brings, but as the results arent as immediate when doing things the right way its hard to stay motivated and not fall back into bad habits !


  • Jenna2315
    Jenna2315 Posts: 614 Member
    Congratulations on deciding to do it the healthy safe way!! I can totally relate to this. I would also starve myself until my body looked the way i wanted but then i was so weak and sick. It was miserable... & obviously since I couldn't keep living that way I'd finally give in and binge. I am also finding it hard doing it the right way though...ive been eating healthy and staying within my calorie goal along with working out & I've only lost 2 pounds over a 2 and a half week period....but I do feel a lot healthier and stronger. It takes time but we will get there & doing it the healthy way means it will be easier to maintain our goals!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Starving yourself is simple - just say no, every time. No thinking or feeling involved. It can make you feel like you're in control, powerful, without needs. The hunger in itself can give you a high, and the pains can be a reminder of your goal and make it feel like you're doing this for a greater cause.

    Losing weight healthily is hard in many ways - you have to make decisions, be patient and calm, allow and say no, feel you feelings, think twice. You won't feel so special, just ordinary.

    But starving yourself is hard, too, it's painful, you get hungry and sick, and you'll probably end up overeating. Losing weight healthily won't make you desperately hungry, or tired, you will feel happy and content.