Post-injury reHEALTHIFYING - 67kg 30%BF trying to get back to pre-injury levels!

Hey! I'm not new to MFP but new to the forums aha :blush:

I'm 67kg~ and trying to get down to something like 55-60. Most of that is BF tbf (I'm at 30% right now :anguished: so to get down to 20%ish is about 7kg; then no more belly rolls!). I'm basically at the high end of my healthy BMI and trying to get back to middle-low, same with BF%.

Gained some weight as I have a hip injury that totally disabled me for 6 months and, while it's still limiting what I can do (i.e. no sports, only upper-body-focused-lifting/swimming/cycling right now), I can now do enough to try and get me back to non-chubby healthiness aha :smiley:

I used MFP before to get a feel for how much I was eating, which seemed to be generally ok, but my weight has stayed stable for the past 3 months now, so clearly I need to change something! I work out 2-3 times a week, mostly strength + a bit of cardio, so I guess I need to try and get that up to 3-4 times a week as I'm already only eating 1200-1400 cal?!

As just lifting is boring I need some support to get going! :lol: Anyone else feel the same? Let's support each other through the tedium of gym-rat life!