New MFP user

I started MyFitnessPal last year, but stopped for a while.
I'm now 2 weeks back in to it and lost 7lb already and need a bit more encouragement.

My wife is semi-doing it although needs to lose about 56lb more than me.
She keeps suggesting foods like takeaways and can't be bothered to make food so I have to pester her until she starts sulking about it.

The app suggested I go with a 1420 cal intake and so far seems to be working


  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    Congratulations on starting your journey here, but maybe you need to check out a low calorie cooking site (should be easy, since you are a self-styled computer geek) and leave the games alone long enough to shop and help out in the kitchen. A little sarcastic? Maybe. But if you work together to make healthy, low calorie dishes, it will improve your weight...and maybe hers...and definitely be better for your marriage than pestering her to cook. My husband and I cook together and enjoy the added time together.
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    Congratulations on starting your journey here, but maybe you need to check out a low calorie cooking site (should be easy, since you are a self-styled computer geek) and leave the games alone long enough to shop and help out in the kitchen. A little sarcastic? Maybe. But if you work together to make healthy, low calorie dishes, it will improve your weight...and maybe hers...and definitely be better for your marriage than pestering her to cook. My husband and I cook together and enjoy the added time together.

    I work all week, while she looks after our 21month old daughter full time. I usually do the washing, washing up, cleaning of a large portion of the house while she watches tv. That's the reason she needs to lose more weight than I do.
    Our kitchen isn't big enough for us to be in there together cooking and there's absolutely nothing wrong with our marriage as it is
  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks for the response. We are fortunate enough to have a spacious kitchen...and to have grown kids. I guess you'll have to figure out a way to work out your weight loss on your own. Some take-out can be lower in calories and healthier. They are all starting to make salads and listing calorie counts. I will now butt out!
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    All advice is appreciated :)
    The problem is, the take out she wants don't usually do salad.
    Tonight she wanted Chinese so I spent a good hour comparing estimated cals to the point she said I'm getting obsessed. My response was, no, I'm getting serious about being healthy for our daughter