People who've lost 50lbs + help please!



  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I started on Skinny Fiber - combined with a daily walk (1 mile +) and 1400 cals a day, I've gone from 264.5 to 259 in one week.

    I find Skinny Fiber really helps to keep my mind off of food (which eliminates reckless snacking).

    Here's what I ate yesterday, which actually turned out to be only 900 cals. NOT RECOMMENDED, but a testament to how Skinny Fiber has helped me keep my mind off of it and keep me in control.

    Check out Skinny Fiber at

    2 eggs fired in PAM
    1 slice Nature's Own honeywheat low cal bread
    (tiny bit of butter and jam or honey)

    Mid-morning snack:
    Protein - lunch meat OR hard boiled egg OR 5 turkey lil smokies
    (lately I've been enjoying one Hormel Lil Sizzler sausage link)

    Lunch (2 pills of SKINNY FIBER 30 min prior):
    Usually a Lean Cuisine (around 250 cal or less)
    2 cups of veggies (carrots, green beans, squash - no starches)
    Protein (egg, sausage, etc)

    Mid-afternoon snack:
    1 string cheese, 1 gala apple

    Dinner (2 pills of SKINNY FIBER 30 min prior):
    Tonight I had cubed porchop and veggies (green/red pepper, mushroom, onion, green and yellow squash) kabobs marinated for 4+ hours in olive oil and spices of my choice

    Wow, where is the FAT? Btw, fat is a necessary macro. (and PAM does not count). I hate when I see this kind of thing promoted to others. Ditch the pills, eat some food, and don't be afraid of healthy, natural fats (like the kind in animals and coconuts!).
  • catita1025
    catita1025 Posts: 46 Member
    Good for you for reaching out! I echo what everyone is saying that you are eating too few calories. For me, losing weight was only one motivation. My primary goal is improving my health. To get started, I had a long talk with a doctor. I explained my history which included some injuries. It's been a process that has included my husband. He's the family cook so he also made the commitment to become more educated. I enjoy exercising, so I'm fortunate to gradually gain the strength to be able to do a variety of activities. He supports me all the way!
    Learn more about nutrition - make an appointment with a nutritionist - to set reasonable eating goals. As far as exercise. You mention you have kids. If they are of an age to be a a stroller, then enjoy a stroll!
    Understand that changes like this take time...and they are changes for a lifetime. If that sounds intimidating, understand that once you make changes your body will respond in king. Set reasonable, achievable goals. They all add up!
    Lastly, these are goals that you are setting for you...because you are a priority...your health is a priority.
    Best wishes to you!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Of course it's hard if you're totally starving yourself. You don't have to though. I put off losing weight for years because I knew it would be so hard to stop eating everything I love... but I never realized that I don't have to.

    Enter your info, select the 'lose 2lb a week' setting for now, and it will still give you plenty of calories to eat. You won't starve, and it won't be as hard. Remember losing weight is 80% diet, 20% exercise, heck I didn't even exercise the first 3 weeks I joined this site... just ate a lot of healthy filling things to fill me up. And if it's too hard, you don't even have to give up the things you love... just eat smaller portions within your calories.
  • frizbeemom
    frizbeemom Posts: 101 Member
    Make small changes - not one big drastic change overnight. Make sure you eat nutrient dense food that fills you up, plenty of proteins and veggies but eat more than 900 calories! I would calculate TDEE-25% or TDEE-30% since you have so much to lose, but then follow it. If you are hungry, eat. Nobody can live in a starved state and stick with the program. If you are craving something, go do a bit of exercise and earn your calories back to eat for what went over your daily goal.

    Also just look at the next few pounds you are trying to lose, not the total. That is too overwhelming. I always do a countdown to the next decade. If you are 300, focus on getting to 290, etc. Celebrate those mini-goals... a new outfit, a gadget you wanted, etc.

    Calories in, calories out, eat real food, drink plenty of water, keep moving as much as you can and focus on the small victories and health markers, and gather people around you who support you and hold you accountable. It's easy, but so not easy. ;) You can do this!!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Feel free to add me for support, when I started 100+lbs seemed impossible, so I just looked at 10 lbs at a time. For every 10 lbs I bought myself a pair of earrings.I started walking 1/2 a block and kept increasing my exercise adding swimming, bike riding, exercise dvds, hiking, kayaking along the way I even joined the gym. I eat 1250 cals and dont eat back exercise cals. Find what works for you and dontmgive up make sure the changes you make are doable for the oong haul. Good luck on your journey, take lots of pics and measurements along the way
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    They key is consistency and long term thinking.

    800 calories is way too low but you already know that.

    I thought about what things were making me fat int he first place. What habits I had etc.

    Cutting out junk and processed foods has been key for me.

    If you select a modest calorie deficit and then move every day you'll have success. Walk 30 minutes a day every day to start.

    I think people get in the instant gratification where they think OMG I am so fat. I'll crash it all off to be thinner and then I can go back to eating the same foods I used to eat and miraculously I'll still be thin. Too bad it doesn't work that way.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Don't deprive yourself.....moderation is the key, not starvation. if you deprive yourself, you will get discouraged and quit. Eat all the foods you like, just not large portions. That's how I did it. Good CAN do it!!