Newish with Porphyria (AIP), RA, OA, T1D, PCOS, Fibro, n more

Nyxks Posts: 10 Member
I'm Nyx from Ontario, Canada and was born with Acute intermittent Porphyria and went on to develop other medical as the years progressed...
Polycystic ovarian syndrome, degeneitive disk disease, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal osteoarthritis, chronic pain syndrome, type 1 diabetes, fibromyalgia, hearing impaired, depression, anxiety n others.
I'm married, mormon n childfree. I'm as active as my abilities allow me to be. My husband and I both have a service dog that helps mitigate our disabilities.
Use to be really active but since 2016 when my mobility went down the drain it's become a struggle to just do what I once could do, Now adays I'm lucky if I don't need to use a wheelchair to get around.
Looking to connect with others with any of the conditions I have or others in general.
