Rough Day!!

Well this was my first real rough day totally blow the diet today!!! Just needed to get this out there!


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    It happens. Log everything, even though it's hard. Think through it. What was it exactly that caused you to go off course? Make a plan for how you will react better when that thing happens next time.
  • Gilgamesh
    Gilgamesh Posts: 23 Member
    This was me today. Got bad/angering news, a coworker brought in homemade cookies.... om nom nom. I ate seven oatmeal-chocolate-chip cookies. And they weren’t even that good!

    It’s one day, I can see that I am susceptible to stress-eating until this problem is over, so I will take steps to help me stay on track (no junk food and no alcohol in the house) and to help me stay positive.