Broccoli fights cancer?

So, I went for a cystoscopy this week and found out that I have some new lesions in my bladder. To be clear, this is noninvasive papillary urothelial carcinoma (92-93% of the time, doesn't spread; 98% survival rate, oncologist even called it an 'inconvenience', rather than a cause for alarm). So, I'm facing another minor surgical procedure down the road. The nurse assisting with the scan mentioned that she'd heard that broccoli can fight cancer. I know that there are many preventative measures one can take, and I've heard that cruciferous vegetables are one of them. But is there any credible literature out there that shows a link between increased broccoli consumption and reduced risk of cancer returning?

I am taking her advice (and probably the broccoli!) with a grain or two of salt, since she also suggested seeing a naturopath. And again, this is about the non-deadliest form of cancer I could possibly get. But if broccoli can actually help prevent a recurrence, I'll up my consumption.
