Gotta Change my life....and need help

I was never a big or heavy person at all ...growing up people thought I never ate! Growing up I played Football Basketball and ran track and did Boy Scouts where I backpacked 10 days 120 miles in New Mexico!! I loved being active!. My problem was I injured mt neck and it put me out of all my sports all at once. Began overeating because I was depressed I was out of sports. Got to college and added drinking into the equation. Now I am 25 going on 26 and have some back pain which I know is associated with the weight I am carrying on my stomach.

My Goal is around 230 as I want to now become a police officer and need to do 18 put ups in a min 27 sit ups in a min and run 1.5 miles in 15 min. .
I weighed myself today assuming I would be right around 265-276....and to my horror I was 300lbs. I am absolutely disgusted with myself and how far I have fallen. I cannot even do a single push up!

My problem starting is motivation, as soon as I saw my weight i went out and did a brisk walk for about an hour and did some sit ups. I can already tell emotionally I feel better but I know tomorrow I will loose focus.

Just got insanity and hope to start it tomorrow but also dont want to go to much and burn myself out.....



  • YellowNightingale
    YellowNightingale Posts: 440 Member
    You can do this!!! It is great that you have those fitness goals because you can easily see your progress this way :) Start out slow and build your way up. Eat healthy, drink lots of water, and since you say you carry your weight around your middle (as I do), I'd try to eat more veggies than bread and starch. Add me if you'd like! :)
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP. You picked a fabulous site to help keep you motivated. I wish you a ton of success with your goals and good luck with your career goals becoming a police officer. Add me if I can help I'm on daily :flowerforyou:
  • jmadams111
    jmadams111 Posts: 145 Member
    I started at 300 lbs 18 months ago; I am now 190 and my goals and motivation weren't nearly as strong as yours. I am 50 yrs your sr....your goal/motivation is life, a career and all the good things thst go with it. If I can do it, I know you can!

    Keep your focus 0n small, attainable goals and reward your self when you hit them. I set a loss of 100 lbs in 2 yrs but focused on 5 lbs THIS month....anybody can do that, 10-4?
  • faith_76
    faith_76 Posts: 199 Member
    You can do it! Do it for you because you deserve it! Stay positive, we all have our days where we want to quit but keep pushing yourself. Do something you like, it will make it easier to stick with it. I read the success stories daily and that really helps me think I can do it too.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    OK, you have your weight. Take a photo - I know it is a horrible thought, but you will be glad later to have a record. Measure everything, waist, thighs, neck, chest, hips etc. You know what you have to do and you have a goal. Read some of the success stories on here, they are amazing. Previously morbidly obese people running marathons. :flowerforyou: You haven't got a huge amount to lose compared with some. You CAN do it.:flowerforyou:

    Take it one day at a time. Just concentrate on logging everything and upping your exercise. Each time you lose 20 lbs or so give yourself a BIG treat. ( Not food, but something you have always wanted, you are worth it )

    Each day you will feel better and better in yourself. I have lost 47.5 lbs and I feel better and fitter than I have for 25 years. I am 63 and am amazed at my new fitness. Last year I was an obese couch potato.:laugh: :blushing: Now I love every day in my new body.

    Good luck. You will get lots of support if you reach out to MFP. There are various groups on the site that might suit you - have a look.
  • xteenastyle
    xteenastyle Posts: 13 Member
    Look, I believe that you can do it! The weight will be off in no time, just imagine being able to show people how strong you have been and you will even inspire others to lose weight as well!
    Just stick to at least a little bit of exercise every day, you will feel so much better. If you don't want to, if you are too lazy, tell yourself to just do it! Would you rather be overweight for the rest of your life, or do you want to change?
    If its not too hard for you, try cutting out the unhealthy foods. Limit it to only once a week, such as fast food, but soon enough you should not want to eat it at all! I haven't had fast food for 6 months, and I don't even want it, I feel disgusted when I see or smell it.

    Keep small goals, such as a start of losing 10lbs. once you have lost those, reward yourself with a little treat (if you feel like it!) Then go for another 10lbs... before you know it, you lost 100lbs!
    Also, try not to eat too many carbohydrates, try eating lots of veggies and fruits, and drink lots of water :) You will instantly feel so much healthier.

    I wish you the best of luck, you can do this! :)
  • Melonie79
    You've taken the first steps in your transformation so Kudos to you for that. Consistency is key so keep it up!

    I started with walking. It got me moving, it got me out of the house, and was low impact on the knees. I started with 1 mile, then found I could do 3, then even 5+ without wanted to die afterwards.

    I started Insanity 3 wks ago (in addition to my continued walking) and it is Insane!
    If you're anything like me, you won't be able to do all the exercises right away. Modify them if you have to but don't get discouraged and keep going! You will sweat. You will hurt. You will see progress.

    I am lucky enough to have my best friend and roommate along with me cause having that support has been priceless.

    Feel free to add me. I log daily.
  • wvusports
    Thank you so much everyone! I need this support! LETS GET IT!!!