I'm back!!

I had some great success with MFP before kinda steering away from it for a year and a half. I've surprisingly maintained really well for the most part only fluctuating up and down within a 4 lb range after losing 128 lbs but now I am now up a total of 8 and they have stuck around since the holidays. I have lost a lot of willpower and honestly just want to get back on the train if you will because I am terrified of going back to where I was before. I refuse to allow myself to be 300 lbs again! I know once I get back into the groove I'll be alright but I could really use some friends to cheer me on while I do the same for them - so here I am, again! I still have a good 35 left to lose to be at my goal weight, which may even change once I get there. Who knows! Feel free to add me and let's support each other!
