Staying on track

It is so hard for me to keep my eating habits in check. I am a sugar junkie. I don’t have a lot to lose but I want to see changes in my body and I’m having a hard time bc I give into cravings way to often. Who else has this problem?


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    I don't, but depending on where you're at now weight wise and how much you want to lose, recomp might be more desirable than just weight loss. A lot of people have managed to successfully shape their body doing recomp. As for cravings, you could try and see if you can swap out your faves for lower cal alternatives. Like swapping ice cream with sorbet, for an example.
  • BridgetDianne
    BridgetDianne Posts: 7 Member
    Michelle what is recomp?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think it's hard because you're trying to control things you can't control or measure, instead of controlling what you can control, and measure your results correctly. Calling yourself a sugar junkie is both self-deprecating
    and refusing to take responsibility for your actions. Cravings is not the same as giving in to cravings.

    You can't always see changes in body weight, that's why we use a scale.

    Not having a lot to lose also means that those changes will be slow.