No motivation at all, what motivates you?



  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    I watched the Biggest Loser, i read articles, i read success stories and still nothing seems to work.

    I try to find something inspiring and still nothing. Nothing motivates me to stand up and starting moving.

    Sounds like you are looking for external motivation. The best reasons to stay motivated are personal. Until the day comes when you have your own reasons, everything you have to do to lose weight will have no meaning for you.

    I want to lose weight because: I feel sexier, smarter and more confident at a smaller size. I have arthritis and I don’t want my joints to work so hard to carry me around. If there is ever an emergency, I don’t want to be the one who can’t climb through air ducts or slide down an airplane slide (I watch a lot of movies :) ).

    That doesn’t mean that I always feel like eating right and exercising! I just move from one small effort to the next. And I reward myself with things like new body cream, lipstick or lingerie, a mani-pedi, a walk in a local garden or a staycation at a local hotel.
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    Off subject:

    I tried, above, to enter a quote and then respond to it. My comment was merged into the section for the quote. How do I present them separately?
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Off subject:

    I tried, above, to enter a quote and then respond to it. My comment was merged into the section for the quote. How do I present them separately?
    You need to reply below the /quote thingy.
  • jc31388
    jc31388 Posts: 11
    What motivates me is that my whole life I’ve been a big well rounded kid. I was never as strong or as fast as everyone else. It was pretty embarrassing to be the slowest and weakest kid of my peers by a large margin. Being the third or fifth wheel because physically I was unattractive and no one took the time to meet the real me. I tried over and over again and continued to fail in losing weight. At the age of 20 I decided to really give it my all and I continued to make very little effect on my weight. Every time it was hey let’s get a beer or hey lets go get taco bell. Around the age of 21 I was fed up and I was tired. I did research and along the way I met a guy who I idolized because he was a person I could relate to and was actually a colleague at the time who gave me some of the best inspiration. He said when you’re out there doing what you want to do living your life the way you want to don't worry about what other people say or how they see you. Just do what you want to do and if you want it bad enough you can do it." So I gave up everything that ever happened to me in the past. Losing weight to look better for other people in a sense that HEY LOOK AT ME NOW I LOOK GREAT! IN YO FACE! That idea left my head. Now I only think about what I want. I want to do it for me. I want to live a long life and take the good qualities I’ve gained in my journeys to pass it on to someone else to have a impact in their life. All in all if you want it you can do it. We all have the final decision of our lives and what we do with it. If you want to be skinny go out and there and face the struggle and do it for you. If you just want to be healthy do that too. That doesn’t really mean being skinny but healthier eating. Body building…. Cool but do it because you want to not because you want to do it for other people. Just be happy with who you are.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    This will never work if you don't want to do the baby steps and need big steps right away. Get with the baby steps!

    Determination trumps motivation every time. Just do it.
    That's right, it's determination. Just do it. Get up and take a walk.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I want health more than I want unhealth. Some days I detest this fact, but usually it is the momentum that keeps me going. Find out what you crave desperately related to this journey, learn to accept that it isn't about the destination so much as it is about the process of change. If you have lived one way up until now, but want to live another way today and tomorrow, you need to change lots of things most likely, so take it step by step until you've taken all the steps. Dig deep to find patience.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm motivated by thinking - Yeah, I can either sit glazed eyed infront of the tv for 30-60mins watching some crap that doesn't interest me & I'll not even remember the next day. Or I can hit the gym, pool, or outdoors for 30-60mins & know damn fine I'll be feeling the buzz still 24hrs later :wink:
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    What motivates me? The full length mirror in my bedroom. I am horribly embarrassed by the way I look. It effects me on a socially crippling level. I can't be comfortable in my skin long enough to meet new friends,go to the lake,or even talk to my neighbors. It's always on my mind. I hate fitting rooms, clothes shopping is a nightmare. I put on some makeup and cute clothes and tell myself,"It's ok, you've gained some weight,but you're not that big," then somebody asks me when I'm due. I get that a ridiculous amount.I don't have any children,but people have put their hands on my stomach and tried to start conversations about "my baby". It makes me want to crawl into a hole in the wall. So, that's my driving force....the fact that I am completely unhappy with the person I have become. The fact that I know I can be so much better than this. The shame I feel for not taking better care of myself. :flowerforyou: ...sorry if that's tmi haha
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    There just has to come a time in your life where you are tired of living the way you are living, tired of yoyo dieting, tired of being overweight and when that time comes you commit to changing your life. This means no more quick fixes or trying to get fast results, you just commit to the process for the rest of your life and get to work... It has less to do about motivation and more to do about wanting it more than the way you have been living. When that happens then you just do it.... There are days I just hate the idea of working out, or prepping my food, or etc...... but this is my life now so I just get to it..... Best of Luck

    ^^^This a million times.
  • jess6742
    jess6742 Posts: 146
    Heart problems run in my family. My grandparents and great grandparents who had heart attacks weren't even heavy when they had them. I was overweight and unhealthy I knew that I needed to change.

    Vanity also plays a huge roll. Now that I'm at a healthy weight, I want to get a hot body too :wink: I don't want to be the heavier friend anymore. I want to wear cute clothes. I actually wore shorts for the first time in public this summer and it felt great.

    In order to succeed you need to take those baby steps. Quick fixes don't last. Trust me, been there done that.
  • maritsa88
    maritsa88 Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you all, so much, from the bottom of my heart! Everyones motivation is exceptional but you all talked about the way of the life you choose. You all wanted and still want it so much ! This is all breath taking! Thank you all so much!!! Maybe i need to think about my self a lot more and really want this. I 'll don't have a clue why i really want this but i guess i'll find it