Looking for others who have over 100 pounds To lose?

A week ago I had a 105 pounds to lose, started on March 14th and today I've lost 8.6 lbs I still have 96 lb to go so basically a 100 pounds so please include me in your motivation team.


  • janelleginnetto
    janelleginnetto Posts: 91 Member
    I started at 5'2 and 226 pounds. I'm currently 205 and I don't know what my goal is, but I'm thinking between 130 and 140. I'm active daily and have an open diary. Feel free to add me!
  • freespirit6315
    freespirit6315 Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks for your response I am 6 foot, weigh 275 lb and put my goal weight at 180 pounds. I'm not very active I have a physical problem with my feet so I can't walk much but can use all the support I can get I look forward to you being a friend.
  • KeThur_18
    KeThur_18 Posts: 59 Member
    Hey I’m Kelsey I started my journey at 391 and now 377 I’m getting ready to have gastric bypass I know some say the easy way out but trust me it’s not easy
  • sebedina
    sebedina Posts: 161 Member
    I weight in at 15 stone and a half and it is the heaviest I have been. I haven't been succeeding up to now because I think I wasn't eating enough during the day and then binge eating 1,800 calories just in the evenings. I hadn't really realised that may have been a reason for massively over eating in the evenings as I have been getting really hungry then. Day time I am usually OK. Today is the first day that I am experimenting by eating something at 4.30pm for around 480 calories to fill me up to avoid the evening massive hunger.

    I am planning to eat a small meal again at 8.00pm maybe around 300 calories. Not sure how this will go. I am also starting to go through the menopause. I have tried in the last 10 years to lose weight but somehow keep going off the rails.

    Please add me
  • sebedina
    sebedina Posts: 161 Member
    Please add me.
  • NatureMadeBeauty
    NatureMadeBeauty Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for your response I am 6 foot, weigh 275 lb and put my goal weight at 180 pounds. I'm not very active I have a physical problem with my feet so I can't walk much but can use all the support I can get I look forward to you being a friend.

    It hurts us to be limited physically, I know, however, a little is better then none at all. I love to swim and do water aerobics! This can be done year round at a aquatic center. Puts no weight on joints or feet. If you haven't all ready you might consider this. Plus, sometimes physical therapy centers will allow you to keep using the facility with a small fee of course and you have been a patient at one time or other. Some have pools with under water exercise equipment! Cool. Hope we become friends on are journey to healthier us. Thanks! Bye Now
  • NatureMadeBeauty
    NatureMadeBeauty Posts: 16 Member
    sebedina wrote: »
    Please add me.

    I will have to figure out how first! LOL New here
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Thanks for your response I am 6 foot, weigh 275 lb and put my goal weight at 180 pounds. I'm not very active I have a physical problem with my feet so I can't walk much but can use all the support I can get I look forward to you being a friend.

    I've gone from 330+ to 202 as of this morning. Taken about 18 month so far.

    While I don't recommend it, you can lose weight entirely without exercise. You lose weight primarily by eating less. At 6', 275 lbs and I assumed 35 (age doesn't make a huge difference so picked a middling one) and I'm guessing you are sedentary, You NEAT is around 2700. To lose 2 lbs per week you need to eat ~1700 calories. If you work out, eat back those calories and keep to the 1000 calorie deficit.

    Put your stats in MFP and follow the program. Adjust it for your real results, don't try to lose it too fast, but you can afford 2 lbs per week for now.

    Do what you can physically, whether swimming, lifting or just walking. I know it has made weight loss easier for me (as I get to eat those calories back) and I feel better for it.

    And P.S. I don't get the friends thing on here so I don't look at those requests. Just me.
  • NatureMadeBeauty
    NatureMadeBeauty Posts: 16 Member
    1,400 Cal's 4 me! Thanks! Keep up the great work! Happy for you
  • freespirit6315
    freespirit6315 Posts: 119 Member
    @Tacklewasher. I do the friends thing! Because I don't have any family or anyone to support me in my life. trying to lose this weight and I'm really desperate to get this weight off now and I don't do too good by myself it's nice to have feedback and somebody to just converse with about issues when it comes to losing weight.

    @NatureMadeBeauty. I'll send you a request to be friends! If you don't receive it, just send one to me. Because it acts up sometimes when I try to send a message for friends it might just be my tablet.

    Found a workout routine I can do! Most of it is aerobic exercise low impact! Where it strengthens the upper body area.

    I'm trying to walk as much as I can, but it's going slow, but a little is better than nothing. I do as much action as I can and then I rest and going again till I have about an hour's worth of exercise, haven't been doing it every day but I'm trying to improve on that,and I know I'll make progress as time goes bye.

    I appreciate the feedback!! Thank you!!
  • freespirit6315
    freespirit6315 Posts: 119 Member
    @Ke Thur_18.

    Glad to have you! It's your body to do with as you want. Years ago I weighed 400 pounds and thought about the gastric bypass went to a meeting, but I person couldn't go through with it. You have a right to do whatever you want with your body, if it makes you feel better that you're right and no its not going to be easy! Whatever you do you got to do it for yourself! Not for anybody else and I've learned that myself. I know what it's like to go through menopause believe me I suffered years of it. I wish you the best!

  • freespirit6315
    freespirit6315 Posts: 119 Member

    Glad you stop bye! Would love for us to be friends and be able to help each other out on this journey that we're going through, and I think it's always important have support. Believe me I have struggled for many many years with my weight. Like I said before I used to weigh 400 lb when I was 30 years old and I lost down to 350 and I stay there for many years and then some reason it dropped down to about 285 and I've been there for probably about a year-and-a-half I'm guessing!

    When I started this program, I weigh 284.2 lbs and I've lost 11.4 lb in about 2 weeks since I've been with mfp so I'm at 272.8 or you can say to 273.

    Right now I do 1200 mfp didn't put me on that they put me at 1990 but I can't lose weight at that and also I can't eat that many calories anymore I'm having trouble doing 1200 right now. I think every so often you have to revamp your diet with your calories to figure out what's best for you and what you lose weight with the best at and that's what I'm doing right now I like to lose 2 pounds a week I find that healthy and a good goal.
  • freespirit6315
    freespirit6315 Posts: 119 Member

    If anyone needs or wants a new friend! You can send me a request. @freespirit6315 I'll do my best to send those on here an invitation for friends.

    Like I mentioned earlier I have trouble sending request so you're more than welcome if you want to be friends to send me an invitation, are you can just come to this thread and we can talk about any subject you want to in relation to weight loss.

    I'm not a specialist of anything! Just a woman who's gone through being obese and the ups and downs that go along with it so maybe we can support each other on this journey.

    Thank you! All who stopped by and everybody's Welcomed
  • freespirit6315
    freespirit6315 Posts: 119 Member
    Good evening, I heard talk on another thread that there was problems with requesting friends and PM. I don't know if this is true or not but just in case it's on my side if you want to be friends you can send a invitation to me

    @freespirit6315. I did send everyone on here accept Tacklewasher, because they stated they don't do the friend thing. I apologize for any inconvenience! We can do it this way or you can just post here on this thread.

    They said that sending a invitation to you and you not receivingt the only way to fix this is to have you send the invitation back to me and when I accept it, is supposed to fix it. But like I said I don't know I sent request out to you and other people not on this site and they never received it I just didn't want you thank yeah I didn't follow through with my word and send you an invitation for friends cuz I did. I do apologize and if there's any new ones that come on this site please feel free to use my name also.

    Thank you and have a good night.
  • jasminebutler56
    jasminebutler56 Posts: 15 Member
    My starting weight is 271. My goal weight is 165. Basically I have a total of 106 pounds to get rid of for good. So far I am down 6 pounds. Long journey but I’m here to stay. I am trying hard to drop 20 pounds before my trip to Mexico in May which is actually feasible with my current plan of (1440 calories per day). We shall see!
  • freespirit6315
    freespirit6315 Posts: 119 Member

    Welcome, glad you stopped by! I agree with you, and I think it's possible to reach your goal by May. Keep a positive mindset and staying on track! You can accomplish whatever you set your mind to, if you stay positive and look towards your goal and let nothing or no-one to sway you from that. Remember you're in charge! Nobody else is in charge of your life, unless you allow them to be.

    I would like to reach my goal of 255 lbs by June 21st, and I'm believing that's possible. Just like you believe that you will reach your goal by May, I too believe that you can do it. Stay positive and on track.

    Please! feel free to stop by anytime you want, you're alway welcome. I would love to chat with you again and see how it's going with you.

    Thank You.
  • jasminebutler56
    jasminebutler56 Posts: 15 Member

    Thanks for the words of encouragement! My mind I believe is totally made up so I’m moving forward. And I’m cheering for your June goal I believe you can do it. Keep me posted.