Your Exercise/Activity with the Highest Calorie Burn?



  • smerkord
    smerkord Posts: 101 Member
    So far in my experience running burns the most for me. About 100 calories a mile or 10 minutes. I take boot camp classes, but I don't have any way of calculating burn other than estimations. Course, the running burn is estimated too based on my weight and pace.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you're judging the effectiveness and efficiency of your exercise by the number of calories burned, you're doing it wrong. The only thing knowing how many calories you burn working out is useful for is figuring out how many calories to eat, otherwise it's a meaningless number. If my lap times keep going down, and the weight on the bar keeps going up, my workouts are effective.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    In terms of calories burned per time, probably kettlebells.
  • calx77
    calx77 Posts: 31 Member
    According to MFP when I run 8mph for 25 mins, I burn around 450 cals.... That's about what you said you were burning in an hour...
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    Zumba, 400-500 calories per hour!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    High intensity Zumba
    Les Mills BodyAttack
    Les Mills BodyCombat

    I'm in the 6 or 700s for an hour on a good day.

    Are these workout DVDs or in class ones? I feel like I'd really enjoy Zumba cause it's dancey, but I never really found a high intensity one that actually makes me sweat. I'd love to find the ones you're doing if they're DVD workouts!

    Strangely enough you're in luck! My instructor Crystal posts most of her routines online. I think she only posts her original choreographies online so there may be like five songs total we've ever done in 7/8 years that she wouldn't post there. The rest she probably has not yet videoed.

    If the link does not work, please search YouTube for user "CrystalizedZumba"

    BodyAttack and BodyCombat are taught in gyms; BodyCombat being quite a bit more popular. I think they did release some stuff on a DVD with the "Les Mills Pump" program from Beach Body but personally I've never done it.

    Good luck!! :-)
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    I burn 828 in about 70 mins on the elliptical on high resistance
  • gogotan
    gogotan Posts: 3 Member
    INSANITY®! It burns up to 1,000 calories /hour! I'm on day 25 of a 60 day challenge. I've lost 9 pounds and 2 inches off my waist so far -- i am 5 ft 2" and about 120 pounds. I'm in a challenge group and we all do it together for motivation and support and accountability. If you want to join, msg me -- the challenge group is free! Here's a short video clip of the workouts:
  • xxtaliaxx
    xxtaliaxx Posts: 123
    I like working out without really knowing I'm working out. I've found that on the weekends, I like to go hiking with my friends. We usually find moderate hikes with different terrain and that's at least 2 miles long so we're out there for a few hours. On top of that, I usually carry a backpack that has a load of 5-10 pounds. A usual 2 hour hike would burn a little over 1000 calories for me. And it's enjoyable and rewarding :)
  • ShoShoyi
    ShoShoyi Posts: 34 Member
    If you're judging the effectiveness and efficiency of your exercise by the number of calories burned, you're doing it wrong. The only thing knowing how many calories you burn working out is useful for is figuring out how many calories to eat, otherwise it's a meaningless number. If my lap times keep going down, and the weight on the bar keeps going up, my workouts are effective.

    That's cool, so we judge progress differently. For you, the objective of exercise is to get faster and stronger...for me, it's something else~
    According to MFP when I run 8mph for 25 mins, I burn around 450 cals.... That's about what you said you were burning in an hour...

    Hmm...well, I have heard that MFP overestimates exercise calories quite a bit...and how many calories we burn depends a lot on our respective weights, but if you're burning that many calories by just running for 25 mins, that's frickin' awesome. I'd love it if i can be that efficient.
    I like working out without really knowing I'm working out. I've found that on the weekends, I like to go hiking with my friends. We usually find moderate hikes with different terrain and that's at least 2 miles long so we're out there for a few hours. On top of that, I usually carry a backpack that has a load of 5-10 pounds. A usual 2 hour hike would burn a little over 1000 calories for me. And it's enjoyable and rewarding :)

    Yep!! The best workout is one that you can maintain for the rest of your life cause it's just plain fun! It's always exciting once we find something like that :D
  • ShoShoyi
    ShoShoyi Posts: 34 Member
    High intensity Zumba
    Les Mills BodyAttack
    Les Mills BodyCombat

    I'm in the 6 or 700s for an hour on a good day.

    Are these workout DVDs or in class ones? I feel like I'd really enjoy Zumba cause it's dancey, but I never really found a high intensity one that actually makes me sweat. I'd love to find the ones you're doing if they're DVD workouts!

    Strangely enough you're in luck! My instructor Crystal posts most of her routines online. I think she only posts her original choreographies online so there may be like five songs total we've ever done in 7/8 years that she wouldn't post there. The rest she probably has not yet videoed.

    If the link does not work, please search YouTube for user "CrystalizedZumba"

    BodyAttack and BodyCombat are taught in gyms; BodyCombat being quite a bit more popular. I think they did release some stuff on a DVD with the "Les Mills Pump" program from Beach Body but personally I've never done it.

    Good luck!! :-)

    Yay!!! Thank you! You're awesome!! I always really enjoy dancey cardio activities :D