Decline Weight Watchers



  • stevepax
    stevepax Posts: 86 Member
    You wouldn't believe how close I was to joining WW. I absolutely hate spending money on myself (unless it's fun new electronics, I guess,,,), But I finally got even more sick of being fat, I guess. I confess (just here, not to my boss) that I blew through an entire morning at work one day just reading about WW, how it worked, if people liked the new system, etc. Then in some blog post somewhere someone mentioned MFP, so I burned another hour at work checking this place out, and it seemed like basically the same thing, except more technical and more fun numbers to analyze (I'm a math guy), and very free. 60 pounds later, I'm still here, and I haven't spent a dime.
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    Heh heh. Internet killed a lot of things.

    Did it kill the radio star? Wait .... Never mind I think that was television
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Weight Watchers is a business plain and simple. If your lose the weight and keep it off they'll lose money. They have a crazy points system and other interesting ways to make sure regain weight and come back.

    MFP strips it all down to the basics since its calories in vs out which all you need to lose weight.
  • RabbiBeth
    RabbiBeth Posts: 37 Member
    I have been with WW on and off over the years but am largely disenchanted at this point. They are always trying to upsell you and push (their own and others') processed foods - yucko! No thanks!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    My MIL did WW many years ago...... yeah, I don't want to get into how that didn't work from her (not to mention a waste of money) MFP is great! :)
  • liketoyak
    liketoyak Posts: 206 Member
    Heh heh. Internet killed a lot of things.

    Did it kill the radio star? Wait .... Never mind I think that was television

    Or was it Video?
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    The most hilarious part of the article is the Dietitian trying to drum up some work
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    My big issue with WW is the points system. It means that THEY decide what's healthy for you and trap you into their system forever.
  • sammi674
    sammi674 Posts: 41
    That would be sad. I did WW when I was a teen with my mom, and it taught me a lot about keeping weight off, moderation, making small changes that add up in the end, etc... It's a great starting point for those who know nothing about losing weight.

    It is so expensive though. Many people don't have $40-50 a month to spend to lose weight when places like MFP are free and the same system when it comes down to it.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I did it over two years ago with my mum. Yeah, I lost weight but its so focused on the points system, saying you can eat what you want but within the points, I wasnt eating good, healthy stuff because it doesn't teach about nutrition.

    Since I joined MFP, its been trial and error but my diet is well balanced, I know more how to properly fuel my body and how many calories I can eat. Best thing is, its free!
  • angiewf
    angiewf Posts: 175 Member
    I was a British WW member for years and did lose weight, but regained thru' comfort eating after my husband died. I didn't like the new ProPoints system as much, and then they made my leader move the meeting to a much less pleasant and less accessible venue as it was cheaper, so I stopped going. When I joined MFP I was horrified to realise how many calories I'd been eating in 'free' fruit, no wonder I wasn't losing well. I was also a bit miffed to find WW was a stock exchange company, I didn't like the idea of shareholders profiting from my weight problems! I don't deny it works for many people, but no organisation or dietician can lose weight FOR you. I also object to the way they always push their products, electronic goods etc. In the past I was naive and fell for all the hype, I have umpteen WW cookbooks and gadgets.Plus their diet foods are dearer than supermarket own brand diet foods and the packs are smaller. I'm finding MFP much easier and feel set free as most things have their nutritional values and calorie counts on them and you don't have to take along a WW calculator when shopping to work out PPs. Have to admit I do still go to WW site to chat on message boards, a lot of people on there aren't actually doing WW, the 5:2 diet seems the most popular right now!