help with insanity size gain please please please!

Hi! My name is Melissa, and I'm a type I diabetic, meaning I have to closely control my carbs, so I don't eat carbs.

I started Insanity because a friend of mine wanted me to help support her and to get in better shape (I just bought my first tankini). I lost about 70 lbs previously weight lifting and walking and cutting my carbs to nothing, so I occasionally serve as an inspiration to friends, and this lady has about 50 lbs to lose.

In short, since I've been doing insanity, my cardio HAS improved, but I'm packing on size in my thighs. This is a place I NEVER need to gain weight, as it's my problem area. I know that I'm gaining size because my pants aren't fitting. I had one tight pair previously that I can't get into now, and I had a normal-fitting pair that are now leaving marks in my legs now at the seams.

My diet is VERY clean with regard to sugars, caffeine etc. I don't eat carbs, and I won't compromise on this, as it tends to swing my levels and make me very ill. I don't drink alcohol, and I don't use drugs. I honestly don't know what's going on or why I'm packing on weight in my legs, but it's very distressing. I'm on my 5th week of insanity.

I should also add that in the beginning, it was hypothesized that I might not be eating enough, so I bought Isopure Zero. I use 1-1.5 shakes per day in almond milk, but i'm not seeing my body appearance change in any way that doesn't resemble bulking up.

Please help!


  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    Hi Melissa! I don't have any solutions for you, but I am close to being in your same boat and I am looking for others who may have had this happen and then after a few more weeks, went back down. You don't mention what week you're in that you're seeing this happen. I also have a LOT of positive changes, but my thighs are not only getting so much stronger and less jelly like, but BIGGER! It's frustrating, but without knowing how far in you are, I am hoping that this is part of the water retention in muscles while they are growing and in weeks 5 and 6, we will see that improvement that we're working so hard for!! Good luck and keep at it! Day 17 for me today!!
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    You're consuming too many calories.