I’m Baffled...



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    GoalGal50 wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »
    That seems like a lot of cardio! esp considering you are not eating any of the cals back, or strength training. If continuing this way, a large % of your loss will end up coming from lean muscle, not just fat.

    Now on to your cals. Do you have the correct daily activity level set? maybe you picked active and should be lite active or sedentary?
    How do you calculate calories burned from exercise? there is a good chance that you are overestimating as it is hard to sustain a burn of >10 cals/minute over 75 minutes, my guess is you are overestimating by 20-30%, unless you are 300+lbs.
    When weighing your food and logging it, are you ensuring the journal entries or correct? much of the stuff in the database is user entered, and may not be accurate.
    Do you log your higher calorie days with the same precision?

    The calories burned from cardio are taken from the machine, which I know is subjective so I don’t eat them. I stick to my 1800 a day, BUT if I went over by 1000 a day, (which I don’t) I still would be in a range where I should be hitting goal. I only eat what’s countable. I don’t nibble. Either I eat or don’t eat. I log everything everyday.

    When I wasn’t drinking enough water, meaning like 23 oz at the gym only, then I figure because I wasn’t drinking enough, I was retaining. So I picked it up to a gallon a day.

    Not for nothing, but I’ve been a gym rat for 20+ years, I’ve been doing this cardio burn high intensity for years. Even when I’m off on my eating I’ve stayed loyal at the gym. Lol, I juts one of those people you see at the gym who looks exactly the same. However, I also don’t look like I weigh as much as I do. When I ask people to guess, they are usually around 175-180, but really I’m 241 with 65% muscle mass. That’s why I don’t weight train. 35% of my body is fat so I’d like to burn that. My body is very deceiving

    FYI, having a BF% of 35%, means 65% is fat-free mass, not muscle, bone is there as well as organs etc. So at 35% BF%, that is a reason to lift weights lower the bf% with keeping muscle
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Sharon_C wrote: »
    Sounds like you are overestimating your calorie burn and underestimating your calorie intake.

    That's the solution. Log it all. No biggie if you go over on the weekends, but accurate and complete logging will give you the answer. Also, cut your calorie burn in half, you're not burning what you think you are burning most likely. Also, doing the same cardio over and over means your body will get more efficient at that same exercise over time. So if you're hitting an elliptical for 75 minutes a day, try changing it up to something different every other time, run on a treadmill, or switch to power walking. Either way your calorie burns are way too high most likely. My apps will tell me in a 100-110minute session of circuit training that I burn 1000+ calories. Not. More like 500ish. Always figure your app or device estimates to be 50% inflated and you will be closer to your actual burns.

  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    Sharon_C wrote: »
    Sounds like you are overestimating your calorie burn and underestimating your calorie intake. In other words I think you're eating more than you think and burning less than you think. It's very hard to burn 1000 calories a day in exercise unless you are very overweight. And then come the weekends you're eating more than you think which is now putting you in maintenance calories.

    ^Agree. I know I only burn about 300 calories from 75min of cardio. And if you've been doing it for years, your body has become very efficient and you will burn way less calories than you expect.