Hello from Texas !

Hi I am Pam and 4 days into my new journey ! I live in a town east of Dallas called Kaufman,Texas
Love this site and it makes being accountable "fun".
I am 51 and stay at home ( having hard time finding one after i lost my job of 14 years ). My health has been going in the trash can steadily and I have had enough... I am doing this for ME.... in 2008 I was diagnoised with Diabetes and in Aug of 2008 I had one of my kidneys removed due to cancer, On ward to High blood pressure, then total knee replacement ( that was done incorrectly ) in 2010. So you see I am a mess. Do you think all this would straighten me up?? Ummm NO.

I am a WW flunk out of 3 times ( one of the times I lost 51 pounds ) .

My husband was working retail and gone at night so it was so easy to "drive thru" for dinner which was frequent. We also lived in the city. Now we live in the Country and he is just gone 2 nights a week. So the temptations of "drive thru" are still there, BUT gas prices and lack of any near by is a show stopper !!! Thank god !!

I have decided once and for all I am sick of being this way... short breathed when I walk, not able to wear cute clothes, having to sit at a table in a resturant because my boobs sit on the table in a booth. Making excuses not to go see my son race his mudd truck, sweating like a hog, Wanting to sleep all the time and Being depressed. So my journey begins.

I need all the support I can get because believe me I have none family wise...and I hate to say it a non believing smart *kitten* husband.

Friend me !!!
Thanks Pam