Newbie Circling the Block

RunShenRun Posts: 18 Member
edited November 25 in Introduce Yourself
I've been around this "Get healthy" block before.

I weighed 147 and never exercised when I was 20.

I did a month long food challenge and started getting in to running, and was down to 125 pounds and running close to a half marathon in distance.

I did a good job maintaining from 20-22, but 23 just sunk me. Family tragedy, moving back home, and tons of unhealthy food. The end of my "healthy me" was after I ran a marathon last April, and honestly I haven't done a ton since.

I am at an all-time heavy of 150.8, and given that I'm a 5"4 female, that puts my BMI is the no-no zone.

I have tried many times to reboot and get back at it, and keep derailing.

Life is looking good again though; I'm living on my own again which means I can control the food in the house, I own a treadmill, there are exercise videos, etc.

I just lack continued motivation.

Anyone else looking to lose 25 pounds and done for accountability?
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