Skinny fat-frustrated

Hello, i'm a 21 year old female currently on week 4 of p90x. Even though i weigh 46 kg (101 pounds) which is skinny, i have a lot of fat! Im happy that im getting stronger and i can see that in my arms, calves (which i never had). My diet consists of fruits and vegetables, and i occasionally treat myself with a chocolate bar. Im kind of stuck, i dont know whether to eat more than usual or if i should stick to what i'm doing (1300 cals) I'm afraid that if I'm on a calorie surplus i will gain even more weight; not in the scale but fat in my body. Please help, i will never stop p90x because i love it!! I just want some guidance from you guys.
I also noticed that my diet consists mostly of carbs, whole wheat toast, sugar free cereal and i think that might be the reason.
Note: My height is 153 cm

Thank you and your help is much appreciated
(Don't mind my english, i'm from the middle east) :)


  • IronMan_DuhamNC
    Reading the meal guide should have told you that increased Protein is what builds muscle and shreds the Fat. Try adjusting your Macros accordingly Protein 50% Carbs 30% Fats 20% then in a few weeks adjust down to 40-40-20. That should take care of all your problems. Be sure to also consume all of your daily calories you need the fuel.:smile:
