Running for weight loss



  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,682 Member
    Increasing your distance will burn more calories, as long as you don't end up eating more than you are burning. It is easy to do, because you get hungry when you exercise a lot. Logging everything you eat will let you know how much is enough, and how much is too much. FWIW, I am marathon training, running 45-55 miles a week, and I still manage to eat more than I burn some weeks.
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    Increasing your distance will burn more calories, as long as you don't end up eating more than you are burning. It is easy to do, because you get hungry when you exercise a lot. Logging everything you eat will let you know how much is enough, and how much is too much. FWIW, I am marathon training, running 45-55 miles a week, and I still manage to eat more than I burn some weeks.

    That’s an average of 8-9 miles per day, assuming one rest day .... not remotely hard to imagine eating more.

    Especially if you work out in the morning (sometimes I feel like evening workouts would make calorie counting more simple, at least for me).
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    btente wrote: »
    Running produces a lot of cortisol and is highly catabolic.

    I guess the next question would be, how does that influence the outcomes that the originator is looking for?
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    edited March 2018
    If you like running, try doing some sprint training. I do this once or twice a week as part of my bigger workouts, running 30s on/ 30s off at a faster pace than I can sustain for a longer run. I started off doing 6 and have built up to doing 10.
    Also using the incline function really increases intensity.
    I do lifting, HITT, and mobility work as well. I feel like the lifting has been the biggest reason for my reduction in hip waist and (sadly) bust measurement lol. Lots of people have commented on how my legs look much more toned.

    Given where the OP is right now with conditioning, sprint work would not be recommended. Easy mileage volume is the way to go.

    Though in reality the answer to the OP's question has already been provided. The bulk of weight loss happens in the kitchen, not in the gym.