I need a support group

white0rabbit0 Posts: 21 Member
edited March 2018 in Motivation and Support
So when I started all this about a year and a half ago, I was super motivated and it was easy to stay on track. I started at 200 lbs and got to 138. (My goal is 125-130) I ate right and exercised hard I was confident and proud.
Soon after I reached my lowest weight some family troubles happened. It was an emotional and difficult time for myself and my family. I stop working out and eating right and my weight went up to 150 (in hindsight I believe that may be why I felt more depressed about everything. I just felt fatigued and crappy all the time plus emotional stress)
Anyway a lot of time has passed since those events and I need to get back on track, not only for my physical health but my sanity as well. I just can’t seem to stay on track though. Hell I ate a whole bag of takis today. (No regrets tbh they are delicious.)
I don’t really have any friends so I don’t really have a “support group”. I have my husband but most of the time his response to me needing to work out is “you are beautiful no matter how big or small.”Or “I like em thicc” lol


  • white0rabbit0
    white0rabbit0 Posts: 21 Member
    So pretty much if you guys want to add me feel free and we can work together to reach our goals
  • Averagechick2015
    Averagechick2015 Posts: 20 Member
    Nice response from the husband! My bloke is the same Haha. Stay strong and you can do this, if you did it once you can do it again! We can’t predict life or the crap it throws at us and sometimes diets and exercise are at the bottom of the pile but dust yourself off and let’s smash this!
  • JessicaRbbt
    JessicaRbbt Posts: 3 Member
    Same here. My husband keeps saying I look beautiful no matter what without realizing I need some motivation instead :smile: I don't have any friends looking to loose weight and nobody to support me on a daily. I am looking for people to hold me accountable and to support each other. Add me if you feel the same.