Feeling discouraged



  • babydollzr2
    babydollzr2 Posts: 7 Member
    Omg people...why are you all so focused on th word cheat....I weigh and measre everything and log ALL my calories...so yes I am counting calories!!! My "cheat" day that you are all so focused on is allowing myself one crappy thing I normlly wouldnt eat during the week (a candy bar ir some ice cream...a treat)...thats it!! I'm not stuffing my face all day with crap. I eat healthy/clean whatever you want to call it the rest of the week. I do enjoy the foods I eat on a regular basis so Im not forcing myself to eat anything....one day I eat something special. I've said many times I weigh my food yet you comment that it doesn't sound like I do. I am really sorry that all of ypu dont seem to understand what I meant. Also yet again I dont have much to lose so I know it's harder...I dont weigh 100s of pounds...I weigh 140 pounds but I want to slim down since I am short so I am unhappy with how parts of me look. I'm not doing this for anyone but myself.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Well OK then...
  • NightDoctor
    NightDoctor Posts: 2 Member
    A keto diet + OMAD should plow through however much you have left. Eating a ton of fish/meat, Avacados, and cheese in one meal and still losing weight fast Is great. Combine it with exercise like a morning run too.
  • Nama_Slay38
    Nama_Slay38 Posts: 178 Member
    Unfortunately, when we post in the forums, the feedback can be misunderstood, because everyone has a difference of opinions, Hence: 2 cents!
    Do what you feel fits your lifestyle, everyone's body mechanics works differently..I practice IF/keto and work off from a food deficit... because my goal is to drop BF% .. so whatever your goal is, and educating yourself, helps tremendously, rather then coming here and trying to get a clear answer, hope that makes sense! Best of luck, cheat meals always turn out to cheat days for me...lol something I'm working on!