Seemingly Overnight Weight Gain?

Hi everyone,

This week I have lost 3.8lbs after drinking about 1800mls of water a day and cutting to 1400 calories from 1800.

I felt really good about this so I thought I would have a treat on Friday night with my partner. (We are partial to a Chinese over the weekend).

I weighed in today and I have gained 1.5lbs?! What the heck! Is this likely to be due to salt?

It is also my TOTM as of Friday but I thought you gained water weight prior to this, not during..

P.s if anyone is interested in what I ate, it was only beef and waterchestnuts with boiled rice.

I am so frustrated now!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

x x


  • sschauer513
    sschauer513 Posts: 313 Member
    According to John Walker's The Hacker's Diet which is an interesting perspective on "diet" page 54 you take in 13.5 lbs of food/water/oxygen a day but depending on how efficient everything processes we don't operate on a perfect 24 hour cycle to use all that so you get those fluctuations. I think that is semi comforting to keep in mind we are not robots and CICO doesn't operate at perfect 24 hour scale either.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    I sometimes gain 10lb overnight when I am really retaining water. 1.5lbs is nothing. I've been in maintenance for years and I fluctuate within a 5lb range from one day to the next.
  • andreaen
    andreaen Posts: 365 Member
    There is absolutely no way you can gain that much over night from anything but water. Sodium will make you retain more water, as will carbs, stress, lack of sleep, and many other things. The water can stay for a few days, but most likely over the next 4 days you will see it drop gradually back to your normal weight :) On a diet that low in calories you probably will only have benefits from a cheat meal like that every now and then, so consider it a treat to refill your glycogen stores in your muscles and boost your metabolism a little bit
  • georgiaeatinghealthier
    Thank you so much everyone! :)