Losing 100lbs???



  • ChubbyPlayer1
    ChubbyPlayer1 Posts: 13 Member
    I have well over 100 pounds to lose as well. Don't look at is a far stress. Baby steps equal big leaps and bounds! We can do this! Add me as well! We'll support each other! <3
  • fatguy_fitness
    fatguy_fitness Posts: 195 Member
    Anyone can add me as well. I will be down over 100 once I reach my goal weight.
  • jstrickler
    jstrickler Posts: 17 Member
    me too!! I have about 70 to loose! I too am a nurse and a mom of 3 (although they are older) I keep making excuses and I can't for the life of me seem to stick to this and get the right mindset...its the dumbest thing...I totally know I can do it, I just dont'! and I am really sick of feeling like crap and letting these weeks go by and not doing anything to change myself!! Sooo please I seriously need the push!
  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
    Congrats on getting started! I'm a mom of 2, work full time, have 3 dogs and life is definitely hectic most of the time. I've lost over 70 pounds so far and have another 10 to go. You can do this!!