Confused by the Deficit

Hello! I've been exercising regularly (cardio) for the last several months and recently found MFP and have been logging my calories for the last several weeks. My initial weight loss was satisfactory and helped keep me motivated and I find myself looking forward to my "play time" at the gym and last week started doing some strength training in addition to cardio. Despite my hard work, the scale numbers are going up instead of down and, yes, I'm freaking out. I understand muscle weighs more than fat and, yes, I suppose it's possible that I've added a slight amount of muscle but, I'm beginning to worry that my calorie intake is too low and am wondering if that is why I'm gaining instead of losing lbs. Thus, I've begun reevaluating my calorie intake.

MFP says that for me to lost 1.5lbs per week I should consume around 1360 calories per day. I admit that there have been a few times that I've exceeded that number, though never by much.

As I said, I've been going to the gym regularly (doing Zumba) and my HRM usually registers about 900 calories burned per 60 minute session. Even though I've read that heavier people burn more calories than leaner people doing the same exercise, I'm very conservative when logging exercise and usually enter 550-600 for a session. I seldom eat any of the exercise calories because that's what I'm confused about. If MFP takes into account my activity level when telling me how many calories I should consume, why would I eat what I just burned?

Thanks in advance for any insight...


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    MFP doesn't take your exercise into account when you sign up. The activity level they're asking for is your job activity. The deficit, 750 calories for 1.5 lbs, is figured into your daily goal. That's why, when you add exercise, you're supposed to be eating those calories back.
  • macmaynorberry
    macmaynorberry Posts: 4 Member
    In that case, then, sedentary is the correct activity level for me and then 1360 calories would be the number I should consume in order to lose 1.5lbs per week. Would you say my not eating the exercise calories (which if I believe the HRM would be about 1800 calories a week for Zumba and then an unknown amount for the strength training I've started) is what has caused my weight loss to stall and actually start going the wrong way??