Let’s support each other!

ashleyyjaeger Posts: 2 Member
edited March 2018 in Motivation and Support
As I am on this weightloss journey, I am working on being honest with myself and learning to be open. These 3 pictures represent a bumpy journey I have been on with my weight. The far left was in 2013, I was never the skinny girl growing up, always had thick thighs and wide hips, at this point in time I was literally starving myself just to fit in. In the middle was November 2017, after 4 years in college of just binge eating/drinking and no physical activity, I gained 40+ pounds. I literally cried everyday looking at myself in the mirror. Then the far right is March of 2018, I am currently down 22.4lbs and loving myself. I have more self love and appreciation for my body. I am so excited that I finally said enough was enough. I am thankful for all the motivation I receive and hope that I can motivate others to love themselves and put themselves first for a happier and healthier life. I love seeing everyones progress and encouraging everyone throughout the week. Can't wait to continue to grow my MFP family!

Add me & let's lose this weight together!! :)

So blessed to have the MFP community as a huge support system. You guys rock! 9fpfi53jlt8q.jpeg


  • laurenbastug
    laurenbastug Posts: 307 Member
    You look incredible! And I know how exhilarating self-acceptance can feel. We can spend a lifetime finding all the things we wish could change, convincing ourselves we'll never be good enough but when we finally learn we are enough for who we are, it's super empowering.

    I'm very similar to you in the sense that my weight has gone up and down with myself esteem to match. I'm looking to shed another 10 pounds (for my wedding) but I know that at the end of the day, as long as I'm treating my body with love and respect, the number on the scale will not matter and what I see in the mirror will only reflect the love and respect I am giving.

    Thanks for sharing :)