Not losing weight, but doing everything right.

Or at least I thought! Okay before yinz start freaking out because I have no logs on here. Look, I've tried. This whole counting calories thing is too hard and time consuming and I'm not gonna buy a freaking scale. When I tried doin this it took the pleasure out of eating and gave me a headache. I eat clean and healthy. I consumer veggies, fruits, and lean proteins, small meals throughout the day. I don't eat out, EVER. I dont eat junk food, and i drink a lot of water. I have 2 alcoholic drinks a week max. I go to the gym 2-3 hours 6-7 days a week. I do a mix of weight training and cardio and I usually take a boot camp class 1-2 times a week. So please save all the stuff about me not counting my calories, I know I'm eating very well and work out a lot.

So about 6 months ago I started this health kick. I quit smoking, started running everyday, and started kicking the crappy food out of my diet. I am 5'6" and was 152 at this point. After about 3 months I was down to 139 just by doing minimal cardio 3-4 days a week. Last month I realized I hadn't lost any weight in two months so I got a gym membership to focus on toning and having more options for working out and I've been more frequent in my work outs compared to before. I also got a nutribullet and replace 1 meal a day with a smoothie. So after all this; I am still 140!! I've notice that I have gained a little more strength and muscle tone, but I feel likei should still be dropping pounds. I rarely give myself an off day. My bf says I look good, but I can't tell.

Any ideas about what's going on?


  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    I am having a similar problem and I'm at my wits end.

    One of these may be the reason-

    1. You might be at your body's healthy weight
    2. A plateau? It takes 6-8 week normally until it starts moving again
    3. You are not getting enough fat - this has actually been my biggest problem on weight loss, not consuming enough fat. According to my diary I'm way off on that and cholesterol so try eating some nuts or avocado or olives or something
    4. Shake it up. Our bodies slow down their metabolism when we eat less as it becomes really efficient. switch things around, have one big cheat like a burger with fries.
  • lebaker310
    lebaker310 Posts: 164 Member
    Thank you! Great reply. 140 just doesn't sound like a healthy weight for a 23 year old girl, but I guess my doctor could answer that one. And a burger and fries to lose weight sounds like the perfect answer!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    What about your measurements?

    Also, 140lbs gives you a bmi of 22.6. So your at a normal weight for your height.

    I would put more of a focus on weight lifting if you aren't happy with the way your body looks. This should help reduce BF%. Although by focusing on weights, your weight on the scale might stay the same or you might even gain, but you should be able to fit into smaller clothes.

    There is a program called Stronglifts 5x5 that you might want to look into. Or New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    Oh and this lady looks awesome @ 148lbs:

    Oooo and all of these ladies too:

    Oh and we can't forget this lady either...5'1" @ 139lbs :
  • lebaker310
    lebaker310 Posts: 164 Member
    Wow, just wow. The pics of those women! I've been beating myself up so much trying to get to my goal weight of 130. Thank you!

    Oh and I've never measured myself, I'm gonna have to do that tonight. I'm guessing I can google where to measure?
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I started noticing a difference when I tried the Food lovers fat loss type thing, I didn't buy the program but I read up on it cuz Drs recommend it and tried pairing my foods like that. I still stick to trying to workout and keep within my calorie goals but I have found I can eat carbs as long as I have protein with it cuz it will balance my blood sugar out and then I will drop weight. So like for example if you buy a cheeseburger if you have french fries with it thats carbs on top of carbs it will raise up your blood sugar but if you have a cheeseburger with a side salad instead of fries its carbs,with protein and veggies and it will lower your blood sugar down and you will lose weight. Just every single time I have a carb I have protein with it , the key is just pairing foods that keep your blood sugar even then you will drop weight. That and upping your water alot. Water with every single meal if you can will curb your appetite some and the more water you can drink the more water weight you will lose. And it helps to have atleast one protein shake a day cuz when you work out it helps you build muscles faster and you will lose weight quicker that way.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Thank you! Great reply. 140 just doesn't sound like a healthy weight for a 23 year old girl, but I guess my doctor could answer that one. And a burger and fries to lose weight sounds like the perfect answer!

    The height/weight chart I've been looking at sets 159 as the high end for someone 5'6" aged 25-59 a little older than you, but only by 2 years. I think the low end was something like 120. So you are within a healthy range. It may just take your body some time to adjust. Definitely talk to your doctor about what would be healthiest for you though. Congratulations on your loss so far!