Is my calorie in take too Low??



  • lisa0527
    lisa0527 Posts: 49 Member
    edited March 2018
    Well, I am 5’9” and at 180 pounds and eating 1200 calories/day, 6 intense workouts/week I wasn’t losing weight (had reduced from 205 lbs at that point). I posted the exact same question on this forum and took the advice to add calories and cut back a bit on the exercise. Added 300 calories and reduced to 5 workouts/week and the pounds rolled off. My resting metabolic rate was reduced to the point that my resting heart rate was as low as 48bpm during that plateau. I was reasonably fit, but there’s no way I was THAT fit. It rebounded to a healthier 60 bpm on a more reasonable diet. So, given your height and weight it’s very possible that you’re not eating enough. Tighten up the measuring and weighing for a couple of weeks. If that doesn’t work, and you’re satisfied you’re actually eating 1200 calories/day, you may want to consider adding a couple hundred calories/day and see if that’s helpful.
  • HilTri
    HilTri Posts: 378 Member
    I was eating 1500 cal per day. I recently upped it to 1800. I am very active and upping my calories has enabled me to workout harder and longer. I feel soooooo much better and my body shape is changing for the positive. I am 5'6" and think I weigh 136. I put my body weight scale away and haven't weighed in for nearly three weeks so I don't know what my body weight is. I have really started paying attention to my macros and feel so much better and like my body composition better so the number on the scale is irrelevant to me.
  • LW3380
    LW3380 Posts: 118 Member
    Maybe it's just me but 1200 seems rather low for someone at 5' 8"...I'm the same height, when I put in 2lbs a week loss I still get 1320 cals (far too low for me so I'm flirting between 1lb - .5lbs a week)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited March 2018
    You're losing 1lb a week so perhaps its just your expectations you need to adjust.
    If you were truly eating as little as you say you are, your loss would be more. For your height your calorie allowance is low, but then you are actually eating more than that, so that works ok.

    Until you start weighing your food you will continue to take in more calories than you think you do.

    Aim for 0.5-1lb loss per week.
    as an example, I'm petite and would lose eating 1750-1800 cals.