Question for girls around the 130-150 weight range



  • srcervantes
    At 5'2'', I'm a little bit shorter than you are and currently about 130 lbs. I'm not supermodel skinny, but I'm lean enough that when I tell people I'm trying to lose weight, most of them look at me like I'm crazy and ask why. I'm aiming to get down to 120 (where I've been before), but only because that extra 5-10 pounds is the difference between me feeling okay and comfortable about my body (which I do at 130) and me feeling wonderful about my body (which I do at 120). I'll tell you though, it's easy to get to a mental mindset where skinny is never skinny enough, and that's where weight loss gets dangerous! So I'd recommend you stick to your current weight loss goal for now, then see how you feel when you actually get there.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Initially, I had a goal of 135. When I got to about 145, I thought, "Nah, 10 more pounds isn't going to cut it," and lowered my goal to 130. Then I lost another 5 and was amazed at how much difference those few pounds made, and changed my goal back to 135. :laugh:

    Have you heard the paper towel analogy? Losing weight is like taking sheets off a roll of paper towels. Each sheet is like a pound. The first few sheets, you don't see much of a change, but as you get to the core, each sheet makes a bigger difference. I noticed more change in the last 10 pounds that I lost than in the previous 20. And even more when I started strength training and got smaller without losing any more weight.
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    I am 5'5" and CANNOT hold less than 145lbs without starving and working out like an animal. this is the weight my body seems to like. I have gone as high as 158 and as low as 130, but when I personally hit 130, I look very drawn and emaciated. It's a personal choice and I think you have to listen to your body. It's not about a number, it's how you feel!
    Congrats on all your hard work and success!
  • emmyj269
    emmyj269 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! That is amazing weight loss already! I wouldn't worry too much about lowering your goal weight yet. Because you are so close to target I think you will be surprised at how much a difference 15 lbs will make ... maybe get to your goal and re-evaluate then. Simply see how you feel and then decide?
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I am 5'6" and 134 lbs. My initial goal was to get back to 150 lbs and evaluate again. I was happy at 150, but I felt I still had a little ways more I could do and I quit focusing on the number for a while. I landed on 134. 134, oddly enough, is 2 lbs over where I maintained for about 6 years, and I'm a few sizes smaller now than I was back then because I'm in way better shape now.
  • Nenny1985
    Nenny1985 Posts: 122
    Hey. well done on your awesome weight loss so far. I am 5.5 and a half and am currently around 133 pounds which is the lowest I've been since I was about 13. A couple of years ago I lost about 15 pounds and had pretty much hovered around 145 for a while but I think upping my exercise ( I now do some sort of circuit training everyday plus walking) helped me lose those extra pounds. And yeah I've noticed quite a big difference going from 145 to 133 and other people have noticed also. I think body shape and frame has a big part to play when focussing on a goal weight so maybe take that into account. For me I'm probably a medium body frame so even though my brain is saying 120 would be awesome I'd probably look weird.
    Go with how you feel and maybe try to keep your goal more about health and fitness rather than focussing on the numbers.

    Good luck!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Honestly it depends a lot on your body frame and body fat. I was 130 lbs at one point years ago but I didn't have the muscles I have today, my lean mass is 116-118 lbs and it would just look too skinny at 130 lbs! So my goal for now is 140. We'll see as I get closer. Get to your goal and see from there, 15 lbs can make quite a big difference already.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I'm 5'5" and currently 145 lbs. I have always been really big up until recently. I have lost 125 lbs, so being in a healthy BMI bracket is very new to me.

    I find myself 15 pounds away from my goal weight. I am so much happier with the way I look now than I was before, but I'm wondering if maybe I should lower my goal weight? I still feel like im a bit chunky, and I don't know if losing 15 more pounds will make me stop feeling that way, or if I should lower my weight loss goal. So for girls who have lost weight that are around my size or lower, how much of a difference does 15 lbs make for you?

    I know when I was 270 I had to drop nearly 30 lbs to go down one pant size. Now it's more like 10 lbs to go down a size, so I know the smaller you are, the more weight loss shows.
    I felt chunky at 130. I looked like the first 2 pics below

    I went down 10lbs. My *kitten* got less flabby, but I still felt flabby everywhere, not firm. So then I discovered I was going about it all wrong and to stop feeling chubby I needed to do something that promoted LBM instead of just cardio type weight loss. So I gained 10lbs and ended up being the last pic. Problem solved. Heavy lifting (~5reps, 85% your max), highly recommend.

    photo.jpg+ exposure turned up = photo.jpg->photo.jpg
    The difference in those 2 pictures is about 5 lbs (I think if I wanted to try to be more exact it would be less then 7). It looks significant because of the strength gains.
  • kamccarter
    I'm 5'2" and my starting weight was in the 150's. My goal is also 130. I think that's a reasonable goal for you, but again BMI is really not a great measurement of health and fitness. There are too many variables to say one weight is good for everyone. But, if you're anything like me, that deceitful number as well as the one on the scale matters more than it should. :) Congratulations on your amazing weight loss!!!
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Whether the goal weight you've chosen is right for you depends on how big your frame is and how much muscle you have.

    That said, do be careful about how you see yourself. Those of us who've lost a lot of weight generally see ourselves as heavier looking than we actually are. I had trouble seeing how thin I actually was until I saw myself standing next to someone I wished I was as thin as and realized I was slightly thinner. Have someone take pictures of you next to people whose weight you think is great. That helps you see yourself more clearly.
  • firesoul19
    firesoul19 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 145. After college I went from 178 down to 122, and found that was too low for me. My knees would hurt when I stacked them while laying on my side because there wasn't enough cushion. Although I've put a few (too many) pounds on in the last couple years, I found 130 was where I felt the best.
  • thefragile7393
    thefragile7393 Posts: 102 Member
    I am 5'7 and want to be back to 140....maybe 130. Not sure at this point anymore.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I was 175ish (plus or minus- I floated around 170)
    my lowest recently was 156.. and that's 2 dress sizes- I wear 12/14/15 and now I have 2 pairs of 6's from Old Navy and a pair of 8's from target.

    makes a difference.
  • jelly5454
    jelly5454 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'3 and my goal is 126 pounds, it;s going to be tricky as my natural fluctation appears to be around 136 - 140. I went up to a 147-150 recently and that has caused me to take this seriously. Once/if I get down to 126 and I feel I'm not done, I might push it a bit lower.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I'm 5'5. I started at 277 lbs. Now i'm 155. My goal is 145. I also wonder if i will be happy in 10 more pounds or should lower it to 140. I do know that i carry a good amount of muscle, though, and am not striving to be anything much lower than 140. But you ask a good question. i also wonder how much another 10-15 will really change things.
  • Apatheticme93
    Apatheticme93 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 147 right now, and 5'0. 120-125 would be ideal for my height, but for you who is 5'5, i think 125-130 is perfect for you! I wouldnt go any lower than that. It sounds perfect and any lower would be too skinny in my opinion. :)
  • JannAtBeach
    JannAtBeach Posts: 14 Member
    I would wait till you reach your goal weight & then make a decision then....:glasses:
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    I'm 5"6 and hour glass shaped. I'm aiming for 130 , which was where I was before I had my children. My husband thinks that I was too skinny at 135, so beware your own perception.

    Looking at some of the success shots, I'd be happy with 140-145 with muscles, so my real measure is how my tummy and my arms look.
  • chainone
    chainone Posts: 42
    I'm 5'2", 24 and about 140 pounds. I don't really have a set goal weight, but I'm looking to lose 10, probably 20 pounds. I was initially going to go to 115, until I saw my sister (same build, one inch taller) at 112. She looked nearly sickly!
    I think I'm going to aim for 125 and see how I feel. I think that's always the best option.

    I mean, it's not like you have to make a snap decision about it quickly, right? :p
  • Amor
    Amor Posts: 61 Member
    Congrats on the loss! And as many people have probably already stated around this time I think it's more important to watch your measurements than your actual weight. My goal used to be the same, 130 and I'm 5'8" but now I've changed that a bit.

    I worked out a good strength circut and track the measurements of my arms, chest, waist, hips, and thighs. In doing this while watching my weight if I see the scale is stuck around 145 but my hips are trimming down (my problem area) I know I'm putting muscle on in other places and I'm totally cool with that.

    I kind of got this from my sister. She's naturally skinny but due to a seditary lifestyle and poor eating habits she gained a little weight. She had no problem losing the weight by watching her caloric intake but because she only did a bit of cardio I notice she's still not happy with her body. Personally I think it's because she's not building muscle. Before I incorporated a strength workout I found myself obsessing over the number on the scale, like it was never low enough and their were parts of myself I was never happy with, like being pare shaped. After working on my arms and chest I see more of a balance in my body and I feel SO much better inside and out.

    Lots of blabbing! But i hope that helped :)