Low cal breakfast ideas

Hi! Looking for low-cal breakfast ideas that will keep me full. The only thing I can come up with is a hard boiled egg or a yogurt and neither of those seem ideal. I work in an office and get here super early so it needs to be travel friendly and not require more than a microwave lol. Let me know if you have ideas please :)


  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    Check out Skinny Taste for some recipe ideas: https://www.skinnytaste.com/recipes/breakfast-brunch/

    Personally, I like:
    - hard-boiled eggs
    - instant oatmeal
    - greek yogurt with berries
    - quiche
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Protein, fiber and or fat are the usual satiating components, but it's going to be different combo for everyone.

    I like Greek yogurt mixed with berries, nuts and Kashi Go Lean cereal (original) - high in protein, fiber and a bit of fat thrown in. I keep the dry ingredients in a zip-lock bag and add to the yogurt berry mixture at work.

    For oatmeal I need to add protein or it doesn't keep me full. I make a big batch in the crockpot (I like steel cut) with 2% milk and water. Portion it out for the week. I like to add 1/2 chopped banana and cinnamon.

    Make ahead Egg McMuffins. Bake 9 eggs + 9 egg whites in a 9" square pan. Cut into 9 squares, cool & freeze squares in a ziplock bag. At work , toast a high fiber English muffin, warm egg, and add a cheese slice.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I mix plain greek yogurt with frozen berries and protein powder. Take it to work in a Tupperware. Eat it once the berries have thawed and I can mix them in properly.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Before you leave for work put - raw chopped broccoli, onion, chopped tomato, chopped chicken sausage (100 cals), salt/pepper/paprika and 1 cup of egg whites (125 cals) in a tupperware. When you get to work, microwave until it's cooked through. That's a big, healthy scramble for only about 230 calories. You could add an apple or a banana if you have room in your calorie allowance.