Feeling Gross and Bloated

What do you guys do that you’re feeling bloated?

I’ve been eating that I usually do, but I just feel bloated and like I’m retaining a lot of crap. The scales are showing it too. I’ve put on 1.5kg in the last week despite having a constant calorie deficit.

I feel like some sort of detox might help me feel better and get my body back on track. I’ve never done one before, what do you guys think about them. Have any of them helped you in this situation?



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    edited March 2018
    I never understood how people could think that spending a day or more with diarrhea would help them feel less gross.

    As long as you are currently eating reasonably healthy, just stick with the plan.

    We used to call cleanses purges and considered them part of an eating disorder.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Everybody bloats these days, and detoxes are more popular than ever. If you're constipated, use a mild laxative.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    Everybody bloats these days, and detoxes are more popular than ever. If you're constipated, use a mild laxative.

    And make sure to drink plenty of water!
  • andreaen
    andreaen Posts: 365 Member
    Detox is not the way to go, your body detoxes itself without you pouring expensive juices and crap into it to "help" the process.
    Some questions who might lead you to the answer could be:

    Are you PMS-ing? or on your period?

    Are you more stressed than usual?

    How is your sleep?

    Are you getting enough salt?