Losing weight with a partner. April 1

Continue_My_Dear Posts: 200 Member
edited March 2018 in Challenges
Hey, I'm looking for a couple (or couple of people) who would be interested in a friendly competition.

I'm a competitive person by nature, and it's truly motivating for me to be on a team. I'd love to be on a team with my boyfriend (who is also looking to get more healthy).

I was thinking:

Minutes of cardio/stretching/yoga = 1 point per minute
Strength training = 1 point per activity (eg. 5 squats = 5 points)

If you track calories:
Over by more than 500 calories= -5 points
Over by more than 100 calories = 0 points
On Target +/- 100 from goal calories = 5 points
Under by more than 100 calories = 0 points
Under by more than 500 = -5 points

If you don't track calories:
On plan = 5 points
Off plan = -5 points

Maintain (within 2 pounds)/Lose Weight = 100 points
Gain (if to gain is your goal) = 100 points
Gain (if your goal is to lose/maintain) = 0 points

I don't know if it'll be perfect, or if we will need to tweak it. But I thought it could be a fun way to hold each other accountable and to be able to be competitive, but also supportive of your health buddy!

The couple with the most points that week, wins the week.

About us.
Ages: 27 (me) and 32 (him)

I'm obese and looking to lose 70 pounds. He was obese and is working his way down to his maintenance level. He's within 15 pounds.

I just barely started working out (trying to get better), he's pretty consistent. Between 45 minutes to 2 hours, 5 days a week.

His food struggles include unplanned snacking and an inability to stop eating. He won't be tracking calories, just setting a plan and sticking to it. (Around 2,000 calories a day).

I've been diagnosed with binge eating disorder, so I just need to track and stick to plan. I was successful in 2016, but have since fallen off track. I'll be counting calories with a 1580 calorie goal to start. I also started on an anti-anxiety medication which really is screwing with my hunger levels.

I was hoping to text updates on weigh in day. Though willing and happy to do more frequent updates.

Of course this is on the honor system. We are all adults here. Message me if you're curious!!

Danielle and Brandon


  • laurenbastug
    laurenbastug Posts: 307 Member
    I love this idea so much!

    I'm 28 years old, looking to drop another 10-12 pounds - we actually have the same calorie goal! :) Will message you now