Apple Watch strange activity numbers for past week

I think maybe a recent update changed the "formula" apple uses for activities.

A week ago I did my normal elliptical workout...
33:17, HR avg 142 and 341 calories burned. This is pretty much the same workout numbers for the past year.

A couple days later I did the same elliptical workout...
32:27 HR avg 144 and 226 calories burned.

Today it was...
30:26 HR avg 142 and 156 calories burned.

With my numbers such as HR average and time constant there should be no reason I am burning up so many fewer calories. I've seen similar drops in calorie burn for Indoor cycling and stair stepper. I haven't changed my personal information and I use a HRM so HR is correct and shows very consistent readings. I can't come up with any other reason than the apple "formula" is wonky. I even did a reset before today's workouts and you can see the numbers are even lower.

Anybody else notice drastic changes recently?


  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited March 2018
    Nope, my hula hoop sessions and my 1.5 mile walks to work are all coming in within 10 calories on my watch of what they always do. So I’m not seeing a difference.

    Did your stats get reset? (Lol the time our Bluetooth scale recorded my husband’s weight as mine and everything was quite wonky til I deleted that!)
  • captainlynne
    captainlynne Posts: 4 Member
    I checked the health section on the watch app on my iphone X and the personal information is correct and hasn't changed.

    I did the watch recalibration today thinking that might help but it didn't. Sure seems strange. I got a replacement phone about a month ago and had to reset my watch (didn't get a chance to unpair on the old phone) but the numbers were fine until this past week.
  • captainlynne
    captainlynne Posts: 4 Member
    How I got this working better...

    I cursed my watch,
    I kissed and made up with my watch,
    I changed the band on my watch,
    I cleaned the outside of my watch (to show it I really do love it),
    I did a recalibration of my watch,
    I updated my phone to iOS 11.3 and my watch to 4.3 which both came out yesterday.

    I think it is giving me better numbers now. Obviously the health app was being ridiculously stingy with calories burned. I assume it was the two iOS updates that had the most effect so I'm glad they came out when I needed them. Recalibration didn't do anything.