Me vs The Girl Scouts.



  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I joyously part with green paper for GS cookies. Those stupid girl scouts! I got their cookies and all they got was green paper.
  • HappyKat5
    HappyKat5 Posts: 369 Member
    This is funny! Also a former GS and also buying GS cookies from my niece at the moment. I have four boxes on top of my fridge that haven't been touched yet. I'm hoping my husband will start eating them and they'll be gone before I get any. I did choose the lesser calorie options on two of the boxes but they still aren't healthy.
    I don't really sacrifice my calories for anything. I just pre-log everything and make sure it fits into my daily calories... if it doesn't then I walk or work out more so I can eat whatever it is that I might want.

    When I was younger, we didn’t have to “pre-order” cookies, our Troop Leader would just have boxes and we would take what we wanted to sell and then come back and get more if we sold out. It started off innocently. My dad would eat a box and then write a “IOU” for the cookies instead of given me the cash. Dude, we ended up owing like $100 one year. IOU’s aren’t cash people :)
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    My granddaughter divying up her sales. My son's remark: "It would be easier to get a gold bar out of Fort Knox, than to get a sleeve of thin mints out of her stash."
  • HappyKat5
    HappyKat5 Posts: 369 Member
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    My granddaughter divying up her sales. My son's remark: "It would be easier to get a gold bar out of Fort Knox, than to get a sleeve of thin mints out of her stash."

    Dude, she looks hard core about those cookies :D
    But, good for her! GIrls Scouts FOREVER!!!
  • SalinitySally
    SalinitySally Posts: 258 Member
    HappyKat5 wrote: »
    utahjulia wrote: »
    I make a buttered rum cream cheese pound cake. I could crawl in it and die happy.

    Wow....and just think, we would actually find you in about 10 a cheese cake. Hmmm?
    Do you Boo...Cuz, I ain’t mad atcha ya!
    And I like cheesecake, just saying.
