Creeping weight gain



  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    rvmyerscmi wrote: »
    I already get dizzy and loose focus during the day, which sucks BTW. I've tried cutting down more, but then I start getting hand tremors and I just have to have something. When I was at my all-time low in the 130's I could barely function and I'm starting to feel that way again.

    This would concern me. If you're getting dizzy at maintenance calories something's not right. How tall are you that you got down to 130? And why are you eating so little you're losing focus during the day?

  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    psychod787 wrote: »
    If you were truly eating 1700+300 cals a day with all that activity you would not be gaining.
    Go back to the drawing board, track and log everything/use food scales etc - in other words tighten your logging again.

    TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure.

    For a guy with your activity level you should be talking a TDEE of 2500+ cals - that's without knowing your height/age.

    You are eating more than you think you are :/
    (I'm petite 5ft 2/125lbs and maintain on 1900-2000 - and I'm not as active as you)

    The only thing about tdee calculators are, they do not take into account dieting history, metabolic slow down, muscle adaptation. It sucks, but its true. :(

    But ya gotta start somewhere. Find the number, track it for a month or so, and adjust based on results.

    true... soo true.... I guess we could go get a double water test done! lol BTW that picture, damn! You are my hero! You are buff!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    You mentioned a couple of times that you've increased exercise recently. You haven't answered my question about it which was trying to guage increase of activity vs potential reduction in NEAT.

    In any case.

    if you've increased exercise recently it absolutely is possible that you are showing water retention because of it.

    If you're showing 5lbs up... is that a trend from an app or a once a month weigh in?
    How often do you weigh?
    5lbs is within normal variation especially with exercise increase in the mix.

    The part where you're feeling the shakes/low energy etc. These are signs, to me, especially combined with you being a long term dieter, of adaptive thermogenesis, and yes, you probably ought to be looking at the re-feeds and diet breaks thread.

    Your activity level comes in at above very active based on your description. We're talking an activity multiplier of 1.9+ x BMR. So well over 2500 Cal a day would be your expected expenditure.

    The chances of you under-estimating your intake are very high. This does not mean that the warning signs of having the shakes or mental effects from under-eating get to be discounted because your intake is miscalculated. Your calories out are also under-estimated too, and no-where near as low as 2000.
  • rvmyerscmi
    rvmyerscmi Posts: 12 Member
    The only metric I have for activity, and if I’m being a slacker, is my Apple Watch. I have my Move goal at 500 and it used to be 4-5 in the afternoon before I would hit it. Now, I’m hitting it before noon. Today was at 7:30am. A few months ago my daily Move total ended up between 550 and 650. Now, it’s usually over 700 at the end of the day,

    When I look at that, I suspect I’ve overestimated just how much additional exercise I’m really doing. Adding 100 or so Move points really isn’t that much. Maybe it’s just “winter weight” since it continues to be cold and miserable here (Illinois, USA). Once it gets warmer and I can walk more outside we’ll see if thing improve. “Continue to monitor” is probably the only thing to do for now.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    rvmyerscmi wrote: »
    Changed the diary setting. I track components for most places, not menu items. The ones I do are simple enough that I can feel confident that I'm logging them accurately. Nothing I order is standard. I customize everything or supplement with my own items. I go to the same places all the time to the point that at many, I don't even have to order. They know me and I just say, "the usual" and they know what to bring out.

    Is there a reason that tightening up your logging is the thing you don't want to address? Much easier to fix an eating issue than an exercise issue.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I am in the same boat as you (although I only had to lose 40 pounds). For me, it's exercise. If I don't walk an hour a day I gain weight. It does not matter what I eat. It happens every winter when there's too much ice to walk to work. Started walking again and the weight came off. Good luck.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    nxd10 wrote: »
    I am in the same boat as you (although I only had to lose 40 pounds). For me, it's exercise. If I don't walk an hour a day I gain weight. It does not matter what I eat. It happens every winter when there's too much ice to walk to work. Started walking again and the weight came off. Good luck.

    There is some research that shows exercise helps control hunger and metabolism
    ljopurcell wrote: »
    Could it be age related? We slow down as we age.

    Usually from lean mass loss. That's what I read.
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    First, I hope to be a rigid maintainer like you when I get to goal weight.
    Last, There's lots of good advice above, but one missing that guys our age should consider. Do you get annual physical and make sure all the tests are normal? Any family history of anything these tests may not catch. Maybe get and endocrinologist and check the testosterone.
  • rvmyerscmi
    rvmyerscmi Posts: 12 Member
    Yep. And I just had a CBC about a month ago. Other than my frustratingly low RBC, everything is normal.