I need help

Hello, I don’t really know where I’m supposed to post this, but I figured I’d try my luck here. I reached my initial goal weight 2 months ago, and set myself a new one. However, my GP told me that I probably wasn’t eating enough, which led to my feeling dizzy and lightheaded.

For your information, I’m an 18 year-old woman, I’m 5’4 and weigh 127 lbs, and I eat between 1450 and 1500 a day. I work out 5-6 days a week. I thought I was eating enough (maybe too much on days I wasn’t working out). Tbh the thought of eating more really scares me out. I’m scared that I’m going to put back on the 45 lbs that I lost. I’m scared that I’m going to go back to my old eating habits. It’s more of a psychological problem I guess. I know I should probably eat more, « reverse diet » and focus on toning my body. But it’s hard. I’m not in any hurry to lose the weight, but I really don’t want to gain any either, especially with Summer coming up.

I’m sorry if it doesn’t make much sense, but I wrote as the words came to my mind ☺️

I’m lost, I’m scared, and I really would appreciate any kind of advice ☺️


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Add 100 cals a week, set a maintenance weight range and expect fluctuations as you find the right number of calories.
  • andreaen
    andreaen Posts: 365 Member
    Hi girl! I know exactly how that fear feels, I've been there, and I promise you it is possible to get out. If you want to, you can DM me and we can talk more, but if not that is ok.

    Adding as much as 100 calories per week might be too much for a girl your size with your current intake. I would recommend adding around 50 calories per day for the first week and then see what happens. If you gain weight, stay at that number for another week, if you lose, add a bit more the next week, maybe 70, and if you maintain keep adding 50 per week.

    I understand so deeply how you are feeling, so please don't be scared to make contact if you need support along the way <3
  • aliiize
    aliiize Posts: 3 Member
    andreaen wrote: »
    Hi girl! I know exactly how that fear feels, I've been there, and I promise you it is possible to get out. If you want to, you can DM me and we can talk more, but if not that is ok.

    Adding as much as 100 calories per week might be too much for a girl your size with your current intake. I would recommend adding around 50 calories per day for the first week and then see what happens. If you gain weight, stay at that number for another week, if you lose, add a bit more the next week, maybe 70, and if you maintain keep adding 50 per week.

    I understand so deeply how you are feeling, so please don't be scared to make contact if you need support along the way <3

    Thank you so much! I promise you I will DM you if I feel the need to